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OT- If it's not on FB it doesn't matter!!!

DaniAM73's picture

I decided to limit my time on FB drastically. I go on every 2 weeks to clear out my notifications. I do not post anything nor have I updated my profile or cover photo.

Two people, one who is related to me, posted on my timeline: "how are you? What is new?" So was my phone number lost? It's almost as if, if it's not posted on FB it doesn't matter.

If anything is new or wrong I'm certainly not going to post on FB for all to see. Whatever happened to a good ole fashioned phone call?! Heck I will take a text.

FB is a Blessing and a curse all at once. I admit now that I am not on as much and posting every couple of days it's nice. I do have friends that have side businesses and post to build clientale, but other people post the dumbest stuff.

Just venting!!!!


BethAnne's picture

So did you call your friend and catch up with them? Just because you have changed your habits doesn’t mean everyone else will or even know why you are not posting so often.

I admire your resolve though. I keep meaning to cut down my Facebook time but failing to! I don’t often post any of my own stuff, just see what others are up to.

DaniAM73's picture

I reached out to my cousin and told her if she needs me to call or shoot me a text. As far as my friend no I haven't called her.

still learning's picture

Since I quit FB my sister, cousin and I have a regular group text chat. it's so much better than FB and not on display for the world to see.

strugglingSM's picture

I just deactivated my FB account...plan to keep it deactivated through the new year. Have told a few close friends, but will definitely have to change the way I keep in touch with people.

No specific event led to this, I just got fed up with all the noise and fakeness on FB.

ProbablyAlreadyInsane's picture

If I didn't live so far from EVERYONE and get terrible cell service at the house I probably would have ditched FB a long time ago lol. In-laws are friends with the ex and she keeps liking anything they tag me in (among other stalkerish tendencies she's got going on... lol...) It's seriously a drama causer, I posted about my discomfort with it lately a few days ago! So I agree entirely!

However one note... When DH and I were dating he was super sweet over FB, would tag me in stuff daily, etc... That's kind of ended... But between that, the fact I haven't met any of his family that doesn't live down here and I've only met like one of his friends (to be fair military means they're all over) and he doesn't bother to introduce me most of the time when someone says hi. I miss it, makes me feel like I'm being kept a secret a bit, lol. But that's also just different personalities. I dragged him around to meet people a long time ago because I wanted him to know my friends so he didn't feel like an outsider... He's just more low-key relaxed, and I just have a second-wife complex some days, lmao.

However FB is awful too about showing actual reality... Such as BM... Who whenever she sees the Skids for a half hour (according to my MIL who likes to talk too much...) she snaps 12 billion photos and then posts all over about how awesome of a mom she is... *gag* Since she ditched and has never financially supported... I'm pretty sure there are tons of others completely full of BS on there too.