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SD12 told DH how it is

Cover1W's picture

So last weekend I discovered a large freezer bag, in which contents had molded, in SD12s bathroom cupboard. I showed it to DH and told him to take care of it. Last night he did so with SD12. She protested a little but DH didn't let her out of it, even with softball question after softball question and squishy statements (why is being direct an issue?!?!?). He told her to take it out to the outside trash bin, which she didn't do, but I followed up with that myself and made sure she did. No problem.

Then they talked about the state of the bathroom in general. DH said, ''It's clean ...." SD12 said, "No, it's not." Then they got into a silly discussion of who uses it and who is responsible. Because DH still acts like he's 13 sometimes. SD12 pointed out that she keeps her stuff picked up and she's tired of coming back and having DH's things all over the counter, towels on the floor and hanging off the shower rail, the bath mat not put back properly. Meanwhile I'm dying listening because she sounds like me. LOL. 

I had to interrupt because DH started getting bent out of shape and said that he can use the bathroom too, but that wasn't what she was saying, I pointed out. Just pick up your things, DH, it's shared space. And yes, it needs a good scrubbing in the next week...(which I told him about two weeks ago...looks like I will hire my cleaner again and add the cost to DH!).

I told SD that I thought she was right. Said goodnight and that was that. 



tog redux's picture

"So last weekend I discovered a large freezer bag, in which contents had molded, in SD12s bathroom cupboard."

So don't keep us hanging - what was in the bag?

Cover1W's picture

We don't know!  SD12 is a math/science kid and she tends to do "experiments" - I think this concoction was flour mixed with other stuff.  She didn't even remember putting it there, but she couldn't get out of it because it was clearly in her cabinet.

She did another experiment this past week, when DH and I weren't home. Involving the microwave.  She is lucky she didn't catch the thing on fire - scared herself to death, fire alarm going off, had to open all the windows, crying, clearly shaken.  Yeah, you know SD12, don't mess around with microwaves.  Lesson learned.

tog redux's picture

Wait - moldy science experiment in the bathroom cabinet = clean and neat?

Cover1W's picture

Yes, this is not usual for her.  She likely didn't do it to shove it out of the way, she likely started something, then forgot.  She regularly cleans and takes out her trash.  I think this is a legit 'miss' which doesn't happen often for her.