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Play Night

Cover1W's picture

I posted this on a blog post below, but really, it's its own new story....




There's a play at the SDs high school that opens this week; both SDs (SD18 who is PASd out and YSD16) are involved in it.

DH is going for sure; he did ask me if I want to go and I said, this is likely something you need to do yourself.  Then he asks me "Should I say anything to any of them?" NONONONONO. Just show up and watch it. Do not confront anyone AT the play/school. If you do not see them that night then let YSD know you saw it directly and send a text/email/card to OSD. Oh, he WANTS the confrontation.  FFS (this is why I'm not going).  YSD hasn't been to our home in about a month now, with the excuse of "driving practice/classes" and "school play commitments." Yeah, I don't believe she is THAT busy.

Of note, DH got a message from the school that YSD has been skipping classes!  Miss high and mighty perfect all A's. DH was "that's not like her." I said, "Well, it kind of is. I'll bet it's the classes she hates and thinks are a waste of her time so she takes it upon herself to not go. You could ask for more info. from the school." DH: "I'll ask BM about it."

AND once again, I'm out.

I'll be interesting to see how the play night goes.


CajunMom's picture

but no way in hell should he "confront' ANYTHING at a school or any other public place. Trust me...regardless of his intentions...he WILL look like the bad guy and the BM and PAS'd kids will milk it for all it's worth. He needs to attend, if he sees the kids, congratulate them and say how proud he is of them...and go home. And if he doesn't see them, send both a text saying the same thing. 

And for the love of everything the damn school and bypass the BM.

Survivingstephell's picture

His best bet is to go, watch from a distance, take a picture or two to prove he was there/capture the memory, then leave.  When the accusations rise up, he can counterpoint any comment at about him never being there with photo proof.    

Cover1W's picture

Yes yes yes to all the above - 100% what I said to him, all of that. And I also told him to be wary of ANY of them, he's been cast as the "bad parent" with BM and her circle for so long it wouldn't take much for them to call the cops for anything they think may be threatening. Dear lord DH do NOT confront or get arrested because THIS would be a problem for US x1000.  Just always thinking worst case with BM/OSD.

....BM has had DH arrested during the divorce when she was withholding the SDs for banging on her front door and not leaving - she did drop the charges but the damage was done with the DOV arrest - that's all it took for employers/landlords to not hire/rent to him even though there was nothing to it.....

strugglingSM's picture

The same thing happened to my cousin's husband. Arrested for banging on the door when BM was withholding the children at visitation time. 

And DH has the same thing...he's been so maligned by BM that sometimes people are surprised to even see him at events and even more surprised to discover that he's a soft-spoken teddy bear...and not some beast. 

BM always loved to say that I was "jealous" of her...the only thing I'm jealous of is that she is able to convince people that she's a sweet, loving mom...when in reality, she's a manipulative, absentee mother who is not above destroying her kids to get revenge on DH. 

advice.only2's picture

That just seems so childish of your DH, to attend so he can lie in wait and rouse up drama...sounds more like something a GUBM would do.  Too bad he can’t understand him making a big scene is only going to alienate his children further, no help needed from BM on this one.

Cover1W's picture

Just hope he actually doesn't. Sometimes he's more talk than action....well, MOST of the time he's all talk and no action.

thinkthrice's picture

Attendee. No fomenting drama. But he should DEFINITELY document his attendence...selfie by the ushers, playbill etc.   We went to OSS's play.  All the ferals were practically PASed out by then.  We sat in the back and could clearly see Battleaxe Galactica (Girhippo's BM) STEER YSS away from us as she noticed we were in attendance and seated in their aisle.  Why? Because it didn't fit the narrative that Chef couldn't be bothered to attend.  If YSS saw us there, he might have questioned that lie!

When Chef called the ferals after the show to say he enjoyed the show, they exclaimed "you were there?" in an astonished voice.