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My stomach is in knots....

Chocoholic's picture

We have court this Friday... today the last of the paperwork was delivered to the court house and served on BM's attorney. For those of you who don't know, we haven't seen sk's for the past 4 months and we are going to court to get them back.... my DH has joint legal and physical custody.

I'm just so scared. I have been going over the paperwork and BM really looks deperate and pathetic (to me) I just hope the judge sees through her BS and he or she thinks the same.

I don't have a whole lot to say, just that I am nervous and would appreciate any prayers directed our way.


luvdagirl's picture

If it seems pathetic to you it probably will to the judge too.I'll be praying for you.

Catch22's picture

Hope things go well and don't worry, judges see this crap all time, he will see through it. At the end of the day, it's what's best for the kids and surely it's best they see their Dad! Good luck, be thinking of you.

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*

Chocoholic's picture

I'll let you know as soon as I know what the outcome is.... I really think everything is going to go well for us.... but its still scary to face the unknown and place your life in someone else's (the judge) hands.
Thanks for the support.

JUST ME IN NJ's picture

I know this is a stressful time for you & DH, but I hope it helps to have the support & well wishes of all of us. Keep the faith that the judge will see her & her crap for what it is & in the end , you will get what you want. Let us know how you made out. GOOD LUCK!!!! (I've got my fingers crossed for you!)

What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger!

Mocha2001's picture

You know I'm praying for you girl and I expect a phone call tomorrow to tell me how things went!!!!

~ Katrina

Mom on the Edge's picture

After a year and a half of going to court every few months and BM eventually getting everything she asked for (even though she really didn't want it and the Guardian Ad Litem just wanted to be done with the case to be done with her!), this last trip to court FINALLY got us a judge that saw through her BS! Unfotunately, we didn't get the same judge on each trip to the courthouse. This judge held on to every lie that was told and went back to verify several of them and called her on them. It was great! So hang in there. Eventually, things will turn out for the best! My fingers are crossed for you! Good luck!

Mom on the Edge's picture

After a year and a half of going to court every few months and BM eventually getting everything she asked for (even though she really didn't want it and the Guardian Ad Litem just wanted to be done with the case to be done with her!), this last trip to court FINALLY got us a judge that saw through her BS! Unfotunately, we didn't get the same judge on each trip to the courthouse. This judge held on to every lie that was told and went back to verify several of them and called her on them. It was great! So hang in there. Eventually, things will turn out for the best! My fingers are crossed for you! Good luck!

Mom on the Edge's picture

Sorry! hit the button twice and don't know how to delete the dupe.