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Chmmy's picture

There is a big bonus to disengagement and just staying out of the house. I go to the gym to work out a lot more. It's a great excuse to get away and since the gym is close to my parents of course I stop by and waste more time. I actually lost a few pounds this month...bonus!


CLove's picture

Its sad but its working!

Siemprematahari's picture

Sounds like a win to me! Keep up the great work of disengagement, there are more blessings involved than most people realize Biggrin

you-can't-argue-with-crazy's picture

Good work! I think I should start doing this :) 

I took on a part time job (along with my full time one) so it works out that I only have to see the skids 3 1/2 days of the entire week they are with us. And 2 of those days they are in school and I am at work. So really 1 and 1/2 days, 4 evenings. 

It works well for my sanity!

Chmmy's picture

Thats why i work 2-6pm. Prime skid time. By the time I get home dinner and homework is over....ya know the most fun part of the day