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Go away already!

Cheyenne's picture

So I get home from work on Friday and ss25 is sitting on my couch with DH watching crap on tv. I wasn't happy because it was supposed to be date night. I had both my children out for the night and SS25 wasn't supposed to be here. He was working away and not supposed to come back until Monday.
So for 3 hours they are sitting there while I keep myself busy, eventually I said are you going to watch this crap on tv all night or can I watch something aswell. I ended up saying forget it and walked away. DH asks when we are going on our date and I said forget it, you haven't talked to me all afternoon I'm not going anywhere. So he ends up going out to tea with SS. When he got home, he said how they had a really good time. So I went to bed at 8 pm. I am fuming.


Stepcreaturesonly's picture

Are you Australian? I'm not sure but think most people from US will think DH and son had a cuppa tea!

oneoffour's picture

I think you have to learn to argue constructively.

Like asking DH to come into another room. Remind him this was supposed to be a date night which would involve noisy sex with carefree abandon. But as his son is here a few days early all bets are off and he is welcome to have 'date night' with his son instead. And by the way, when you come home you would appreciate him seeking you out and welcoming you at the end of the first full work week in 2 weeks. So not only does he miss a night with a nice dinner out and a 'dessert' to blow his mind as well as his wildest dreams he gets to spend quality time with his son. Nitey night! ALWAYS walk off with a smile on your face as if you don't mind at all.

I only had to pull this one out of the bag one time and DH never EVER let his sons drop by for the evening without discussing it with me first.

Cheyenne's picture

My problem was I was instantly in a bad mood by the sight of SS. I also don't like SS in my house at all, even though he lives with us.
SS has only slept at our house twice in the last 3 weeks and is supposed to be moved out by next weekend.