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Eating at table

Braven's picture

when a meal is made n ready,  everyone will sit at table( no tech is allowed at dinner time) SS will eat in living room(where there he watches YouTube) also meal made is eaten by everyone except SS who is 13, he don’t like it(this happens at EVERY meal. So DH asks him if he wants pizza every time. 



Lndsy747's picture

Completely agree with the way you do dinners. That's how I was raised and will raise my child. Your DH is 100% at fault for his behavior.

lieutenant_dad's picture

If you offer a kid a choice between veggies and a pizza, they're likely to take the pizza.

Your DH needs to tell him to put his arse at the table and eat what's in front of him. If he won't do that, then your DH doesn't think it's a big deal. He may say it is, but if he won't act on it, he doesn't actually care.

Disneyfan's picture

Growing up I was not forced to eat what was cooked.  If We didn't want to eat what my mom(or dad) cooked, we could eat cereal or make a sandwich.  I raised my son the same way.  I didn't play food cop with my son and I didn't allow others to do it either.

As long as your husband doesn't expect you to play short order cook, don't worry about how HE handles the food situation.

Regardless of what the kid eats for dinner, he should be sitting at the table to eat.

thinkthrice's picture

he's afraid of "losing" his son so he treats him like a Prince.

Trying to Stepmom's picture

I agree that SS shouldn’t be allowed to eat in the other room while watching YouTube when everyone else is eating dinner. 

Are there other kids in the house? How do they handle the fact that SS gets to do and eat something different than everyone else?

There are some battles that I’ve given up on with the whole dinner thing and some battles I’ve won. My SD (when she’s come to the table) would start eating immediately before everyone would have food and then either ask for seconds or say she was still hungry. She’ll actually ask if it’s ok to start now. I find it’s just a courtesy thing and yes, was something I was taught growing up. 

DH definitely has to be on board with you about dinner issues. My DH and I have agree that SD can make something else for herself if she doesn’t like what we’re having and not to be rude about it. I know it’s a me thing, but I do get offended if someone blatantly dislikes what I cook. At least have the decency to hide your disapproval of my food. 

shamds's picture

He would eat in his bedroom and then what i cooked he would chuck a hissyfit like eww veggies or i need to go to convenience store to get chilli sauce in he evening.

his dad forces him to drag his arse to the table. Sure he claimed he was full but hubby told him “tough, eat a bit of what your stepmum cooked”

now i cook for our 2 toddlers, me and hubby. Hubby will ask ss to eat once hubby is home which is usually 9.30pm onwards. I refuse to be made to knock on his bedroom door for several mins hearing him rudely mumble stuff i can’t hear or understand