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SS does NOT want laundry done

Braven's picture

As I pick up dirty cloths on floor in order to sweep and place dirty  Close into laundry room. SS  notices then picked up and head straight to the laundry room and sort out his clothing and takes them out. This has happened a few times. WHY does he not want me to clean his cloths? 



CompletelyPuzzled's picture

A few questions.  How old is your SS? Does he do his own laundry?  Or does he just wear dirty clothes?

Braven's picture

13 yr. I do laundry for the household. If he brings things from his BM and wears all week then he don’t want washed. 

lieutenant_dad's picture

Have you or his dad asked him why he doesn't want his clothes washed? That would be where I would start.

tog redux's picture

My guess is that BM has yelled at him about leaving clothes there or something of the sort.