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typical BM

bookgirl's picture

At the beginning of summer DH & I decided to try & get all of the kids signed up for some kind of activity. We put BS in swimming lessons which he loved & SD in some kind of cheerleader workshop because she begged us to, which left us trying to find something for SS4. Well I checked my work email yesterday & there was a notice about youth soccer. So I called DH & told him I'd sign him up but only after BM had been informed & had agreed to take him. So DH texted her & even called her to no avail. Then it dawned on me. She's 'punishing' DH because he cancelled visitation. Not only that I think that since she's always favored SS over SD, it helps her PAS cause to make SS feel excluded from a summer activity. What's disgusting is that it's only SS who's suffering. If we don't here back from her I'm saving money & time. DH isn't going tp sit up late at night feeling bad. It's SS who's missing out & he could really use some time around other kids doing something healthy that might catch up his very delayed development yet. It's so typical of her to do this.


squeegie_beckenheimer's picture

I can completely see that being BM's plan. The usual question: why do these women do this to their kids? Do they not know the damage they are doing?

Every summer we would go through similar nonsense. For a while, SD8 wanted to attend summer day camp every summer, which was fine. We would work it out with BM to make it work. Last summer, SD8 decided that she didn't want to go to camp. My husband's parents wanted to spend a few weeks with SD8, but BM flew off the handle because SD8 spent time with them the summer before. BM stated it was her parents' turn to have SD8. (Considering that the summer is long enough for BOTH sets of grandparents to have time with her, this all seems really selfish of BM, but anyway...) So we had no choice but to have SD8 sit in daycare all day during our time with her. Well, guess what? BM's flaky parents didn't have time for SD8, so SD8 spent the ENTIRE summer sitting in daycare with no kids her own age. She was miserable. I mean, I realize that plans change sometimes, but I highly doubt BM's parents even planned on seeing her. BM just didn't want my husband's parents to spend another summer with SD8. But doesn't BM see that it was SD8 who suffered because of it? She could have been to the beach, going places she's never been before, visiting family, etc. Nope. Sat in daycare instead.

Now this summer was completely different. In early spring my husband & I were discussing summer plans because his parents were considering having SD8 for part of the summer (by BM's "rules" this would be his parent's summer). SD8 overheard & said she did not want to go to summer camp again. OK, fine, works for us. We mentioned how the hours don't work with our work schedules anyway. So like a week later, BM states that SD8 wants to go to summer camp this year! Unbelievable! (And since when does BM make plans that far in advance? Usually she won't confirm anything until a few weeks before, if that.) Luckily, everything worked out ok. My husband's parents can't come to visit until the end of August anyway, so it works out. But BM will do the opposite of what we want just to be a bitch, despite the fact that it's SD8 who suffers & misses out.

onehappygirl's picture

. . . sign him up anyway. I don't see a problem with that. Do you have SS4 all the time? If so, I don't see why you need BM's permission.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!