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What to do when you're battling SD, BM & DH????

bigmombigheart's picture

I bought summer clothes for my stepdaughter which were for her school clothes as well. Well the first week I noticed that she didn't wear any of the summer clothes that I purchased her. After I had already purchased the clothes she tells me I like the things you're buying but it's not my style. So I did make the comment and say look when you have your own style you'll be able to buy your own clothes. So I definitely know that she ran back and told her mom what I said. I have always bought her clothes and made sure that she was well taken care of since she was a baby at our house. When my step daughter came back to our house she went behind my back and told my DH what I had said and ask him to take her school shopping. My DH talked to me about the situation and I told him that I do agree I will start taking her shopping so she can pick out her own clothes but after she wears the clothes that I've already bought for her. I asked her why hasn't she worn the clothes that I bought for her and she tells me because I didn't know that I could wear them?.(I think that's BS coming from a kid who asks for everything!) I told DH now that we're clear that she can wear them she will wear them. But DH took her school shopping anyways. I lost it! I don't feel that is right for kids to override parents decisions. And I certainly don't like sd sneaking behind my back and talking and passing notes to DH about a rule enforcement that I've already set. if this were our biological daughter he would have supported me and also enforced what  I said. Now he's arguing saying he only spent a little bit of money and that he wanted her to have something to look forward to when she came back. This has nothing to do about money this is about all the times that I consistently have to go up against SD and BM and now you my DH. His BM constantly tries to rule our household by giving SD directions on what to do when she's at our house this causes lots of conflict. BM has taught SD not to go to me for anything nor respect me as a stepparent. 
DH is also criticizing my parenting skills but only when it comes to his daughter he really has no complaints about the way I'm raising our daughter. one other topic is that SD is multiracial her mom is one race and I'm the other which is the same race as DH,  I do hairstyles on the girls and teach them that of our culture.BM doesn't support SD doing anything from our culture especially when it comes to hair and clothes, now DH is saying I'm putting too much emphasis on our culture on their daughter..WTH!!
 At this point I basically told him you both need to raise your own child either I am able to be the parent I am to all of our kids which includes the  way I discipline (meaning enforcing rules as a parent) or you two take it from here...I can't have them BM, SD, DH dissecting every decision or move I much resentment has built up over the DH has never had to go up against my ex he's been free to love and parent my BS, on top of that my BS is not being a robot for my ex..they have a loving trusting relationship because there has been no interference from my ex. He can't seem to understand's almost like I've never been fully given the opportunity to get to this level with my SD.
Do I just let DH do this by himself..he's saying he cannot do this by himself I've been there from day one, but my thoughts are if you can't do it without me stop overriding me!


Siemprematahari's picture

You need to take a big step back and stop everything that you do for SD that includes buying her clothes, doing her hair, choosing what she wears. She's made it clear that "it's not her style" and both your H and BM are siding with her, so for your own sanity, disengage from this. You will save yourself a lot of stress and frustration. Take care of your child(ren) as you see fit and allow your H & BM to parent their daughter.

He says he can't do it without you but he's not supporting your efforts. He's also not "alone" the BM is in the picture so he needs to put his big boy pants on and do the work.

Once you detach you'll be thanking your future self and wondering why you didn't do it sooner.

CLove's picture

If your SD is going behind your back and undermining you, the BM is undermining you, and finally DH is not backing you up, you are what I term "dead in the water", like a sailboat with no wind, trying to head for shore, the tide blowing you further out. Stop fighting these tides. They will only pull you out further, causing more resentment.

Withdraw - they DONT WANT YOUR HELP. This girl has 2 parents and you are not one of them. Im sure its fun, girls can be fun for a mom, but she clearly doesnt ascribe to your vision (right now). SD might come around, seeing as how you are culturally similar, but not right now.

Interesting, how you mentioned the cultural connection. Im Anglo, Dh is Filipino, his ex whom I call Toxic Troll, is also Anglo. We actually have some similarities, as far as hair and skin. DH and SD's identify heavily with their culture. I have learned to make the foods they like and am looking to expand my repertoir in that area. TT has never really connected with that "other side". Not really. And the family gatherings are huge and epic. With all the different flavors as everyone has intermarried with culturally different partners. So I understand that you wish to connect with SD in this way - it IS special. But you need to give her space. Let her pick out her own stuff.

My SD13, Munchkin, when we go shopping, we do resale, I give her a budget, and she picks out her own stuff. Its not really anything I like (she is currently into overly large shirts, and t-shirts,, and ripped jeans with converse, and her lovely thick shiny hair is cropped very short in a bowl cut) but its what SHE likes.

Take yourself out of the financial equation. Dont parent her. Allow DH to step up to the plate and parent her.

justmakingthebest's picture

I agree with the stopping. 

If her hair looks awful because it isn't properly being taken care of (I am make a big assumption based on the cultural differences you stated), that is on BM now. 

If she doesn't like the clothes you got her and has her own style now, let your DH take her shopping, just make sure that he understands and will keep within the budget you have agreed on. 

As for teaching and "emphasizing your culture too much"- screw that noise. That is your house and you are raising 2 other kids in it. BM doesn't get to make that choice. 

Harry's picture

Do not do anything for SD. Do do not drive her anywhere, Do not buy her anything , do not spend your money on her.  It’s all up to DH to take care of her.  You are always wrong So now it’s all up to DH to cook for her clean for her ect.  No going places with her. No vacations with her.  Ect.

ESMOD's picture

I'm guessing that SD has reached that age where she is "aware" of her clothing more.. what other kids have.. etc.  Unfortunately, I'm not sure you remember exactly what it may have been like as a young girl who feels like if she doesn't have the "right" clothing.. that she won't fit in in her community.  While I am not big on rewarding kids for "bad" behavior.. the girl obviously has tried to tell you that she would prefer different styles than you have bought for her.  So.. yes.. she seems ready to be part of that decision process.  Unfortunately, there is no amount of "suck it up buttercup" that she will want to hear that will make her want to wear the clothes you bought for her. 

When she tried to explain why she didn't want to wear what you bought her.. you kind of gave her a "flip" answer.  While it may be true that she can buy what she wants when she has her own money.. there is also something to be said for kids having some say in their clothes (within reason of course).  She complained to your DH and her mom because she doesn't want to wear what you bought her. 

Now.. she should have told you when you brought the stuff home that she didn't like it then...when you had time to return it.  But she didn't ... probably not trying to make waves.. but now when the pedal is to the  metal.. she doesn't want to wear them.. and wants some new clothes instead.

This can be a hill to die on..or you can disengage and tell your DH he and his EX can take care of this kind of stuff from now on.  If he bought her a few new things from his own money?  that's on him.. as long as it doesn't impact your bank account.

Cover1W's picture

SD13 stopped wearing ANYTHING I bought her this past winter, even though it was nothing but the leggings or underwear she usually wears.  I considered it a power play, so no more clothes from Cover.  I stopped with major help with clothing years ago, but occassionally would pick somehting up here and there but I was done with it around February when she refused the leggings. 

Disengage - she's made it clear.

CLove's picture

Even as you must disengage, the other benefit is that you can spend MORE time with and on your Bio. Have a very firm stance on the fact that this is YOUR household, here YOU are QUEEN BEE. There can be only one Queen Bee in any hive, and you are IT. BM can go stuff it if she thinks she can controll your household.

Now telling SD she doesnt need to respect you - your DH REALLY needs to step up his parenting game and back you up. That means when SD disrespects you, there are repercussions. Taking away of electronics, etc. You know, punishment for bad behavior kind of things. If he does not back you up in this, then he obviously doesnt need your help. Disengagement helps with this tremendously.

I had much resentment until I found steptalk. Keep posting and reading - it definitely helps to understand the dynamics, and regain your sanity as well as control of your household.

ChamomileTea4Me's picture

I don't know how old SD is, but maybe she's just at that age where they all start cringing at the clothes we pick out.  It's part of growing up, figuring out who they are, and yes...developing their own style.  That was a hard shift for me too with my DS, but it's more than likely normal behavior and not meant to be disrespectful.  

"But DH took her school shopping anyways. I lost it! I don't feel that is right for kids to override parents decisions." 

It sounds like DH is actually the one who did the override of your decision, not SD.  There's an easy fix to all that.  Like other posters commented...leave the clothes buying/shopping to the parents.  Done deal, on with the day!

As far as the cultural part goes, I'm multiracial and all I can say is it's a very individual thing for a person to decide what that means for THEM.  I do wish my parents would have shared more about my cultural heritage with me, so I think it is a positive thing for you to express your culture as you wish in your home and share that with SD.  However...I definitely bucked the system with the one out of 3 heritages they pushed upon me.  I don't even identify with that heritage at all anymore, which is probably unfortunate.  So, I guess just be careful not to push too much or your good intentions might just backfire and give rise to aversion.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

"What to do when you're battling SD, BM, & DH?"

 You step out of the equation completely, because it's not your kid and not your war. The only way to win is not to play at all.

Instead, focus on what IS in your purview: your home, your bios, and your boundaries. Let go of other people's kids, because as you've just been shown you're damned if you do and damned if you don't. 


Thumper's picture


Good advise given above.

Thumper's picture

Want2----maybe I am not understanding what you wrote.

why should OP waste her money on clothing the child refuses to wear. So you want OP to go back and buy more so sd can refuse her gifts again?. Same thing if op cooked dinners and over and over again skid pushed the plate back, refusing to eat. Do you think op should keep cooking for sd?


That is ludicrous.

OP is not a doormat.



WTF...REALLY's picture

 Sounds like she’s at the age where she wants to pick her own clothes. And as long as she’s supervised doing so, I think it’s wise to let her pick her clothes.

And if the parents are disagreeing with how you are raising their child, then let them know that they are on their own and they can raise their child them selves. It’s rare that it ever works out raising a stepdaughter when there’s biological mom in the picture that doesn’t want any kind of help.