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Children Services are being unreal!!

BambiGirl's picture

When I got home yesterday there were two letters from CAS, one for DH and one for SD!!!!!!! In January, the last time SD saw her mother she hit SD and SD told CAS that and they didn't believe her. By the looks of things they are doing their investigations like this...we tell them something...they ask BM and if she says no that's it. Nice.

They sent SD, who has PTSD a letter stating that they couldn't prove it and that she talk to us if she has problems. I was so flipping mad. Then DH letter says they are going to look into further "understanding" SD by contacting her doctors and shrinks..something, considering she has PTSD they should have done weeks ago. They made it sound like they are doing it now because they thing SD is a LIAR!!!!

I was so mad I left a nasty letter on the social workers phone. They have switched social workers three times in this case...each time leaving information behind. DH told her that he wasn't going to meet with her till she had the information from the doctors, because in our opinion's there is no point. They talk to us, ask her and then she says no. OF COURSE SHE'S GOING TO SAY NO!!! SHE KNOWS IT WRONG. They blow this sunshine up our butts about the kids saying this and that and when the kids actually say something is wrong they depend on the mothers testimony, who by the way is totally crazy.

I left a message for the worker and I told her the following: never to send SD who is a minor another letter, she has PTSD and enough problems without their crap, I told them they need to get the information from the doctors soon or we are going to look into ligation. Its been over a month since DH signed the release forms, why don't they have the information? And lastly not to contact us until they have the information, because we are running in circles and its a waste of time and energy. I don't think she liked my message very much because she called me back and was very cold on my machine. Yes I am under a lot of stress and I didn't answer the phone when she called. Tonight when she is at home I will call her machine and tell her I'm sorry for sounding pissed but what does she expect!!!!! There are two SD, one with us and one with the psycho BM and the one with us has Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is taking Prozac because her mother and her step father abused her, how can I be civil? I mean I know I should be and I will be but I was so mad.

I'm filing a formal compliant and calling a lawyer. Unfortunatley that doesn't take back what has happened to these dear girls and it doesn't make me or DH feel any better. Sad :sick: