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This BM is crazy! She has two boyfriends and she has been back and forth between them A LOT! One is the father of one of her kids, the other is just a crazy man! Well she apparently has been dating both of them. The non BF has decided to email all of her family and friends (me included) That she is a heartless soul and that she has been telling him that they will be back together, Apparently while trying to mend the relationship with the BF.

So he goes to bashing her on facebook and guess what BM allows? Her 15 year old daughter to cuss him out and call him out on her facebook page privately with many cuss words! 15?? Seriously?? UGHHH I can't stand this lady! I guess it makes me realize even more why I won't get along with DH kids. Are they going to turn into that BIT*h? If so, I want no part of that crazy!

HOW the hell did my DH end up with this lady? It makes me sick to my stomach! DOes it ever get better? :sick: