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F*?ckwits & Finances update.....

Ashalala's picture

Just a quick update on my blog from yesterday. Thank you all so much for your advice and time to answer my questions.

Firstly, I agree with you all and my gut has told me that I am being taken for a HUGE ride for a while now. I have been looking for work for months and with the worst unemployment rate for decades it has been tough going. Out of the blue this morning I got a phone call to say I start my new job tomorrow. I am soooo excited. No more house maid, no more feeling totally used and ripped off. I am going to stay in my house next door to SO for the next 12 months and get my oldest DS through high school and then I am gonna move back to the city, to my friends and to my life.

I have told SO this morning that his childish and abusive reactions to pretty much ANY issue that I have ever raised throughout our 4 years together are old and tiresome and I don't need it, or him. He can cook his own meals for him and the kids, do their washing, clean his house,buy his groceries, petrol and anything else he so desires. He left this morning in a complete shit. I haven't seen him since. I don't care!! I feel the lightest and most hopeful I have in years today. Unless he comes a crawling through my door with a huge apology and a complete personality make over, my kids and I are better off without him and his crap. I can finally save money toward a house that I can buy for us, I no longer have to feel like an underdog because HE is building US (yeah right) a house. I just feel sorry for the next poor sucker that comes along and falls for his "words without actions" approach. As I said to him this morning. Words are cheap, and they're easy to say.