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damned if I do..continued

am_I_alone's picture

As I wrote my first entry last night, I tried to be as clear and factual. I don't want to muddy waters and seek validation, nor to be carried on shoulders of intelligent people also here to speak about their own issues as a stepparent. I had the privilege of some helpful comments, some insightful ones, and ...others (lol). That is the venue we are in here and I appreciate it for what it is.

More back history:
I raised my sons solo 24/7. Instead of falling apart when their bio dad walked, I chose to live. I went back to post-secondary for training in my now second career. We joined our local karate dojo and my eldest & I achieved our black belts in Shotokan several years ago. We did family. We laughed. We cried. We grew. They are A+ students. They play sports. Do they f*** up? Yep. Absolutely. They're kids. Do I f*** up? Yep. Absolutely! I'm an adult. But we knew we had the core of our family bond and having weathered the years of their dad and his actions, we will always have a bond that won't break.

My husband (back when he was my boyfriend) believed us to be exclusively involved. I, however, wasn't operating under the same belief and was dating several men at the same time. I had ended my tumultuous common law relationship with my bio sons' father and after ten years of that, hell, I was a kid in the candy store! Toss in an unhealthy view of men at that time and I was *only* wanting frivolous enjoyment.
When my husband (then-boyfriend) found out that I wasn't exclusive with him, he was devastated. He had way more emotion attached to the relationship than I did, and following on the heels of his ex-wife having cheated on him, it set him back. To this day, he still clings to that from eight years ago, insisting that I, too, cheated on him. I see it differently, considering we never had THAT talk of being only one-on-one

During our counselling sessions following the separation I had asked for, it came out (his thoughts that I cheated) in a controlled environment, and he confessed the depth of the pain and alienation that he felt from that. Whereas I didn't (don't?) hold the same perception, I gave my husband the empathy he or anyone, deserves. In turn, while I finally had my voice to discuss the depth of pain I had within myself from the way the marriage had been going, he was equally responsive.

I was able to get out most of the ugly I had within EXCEPT for the way I feel about his son. My husband is soooo super sensitive about his kid(s) that it's a variable minefield to navigate and have any type of constructive discussion. He knows I dislike the son so I can understand the want to stalemate any verbal exchange on the topic. I get it. But it doesn't help.

The rules of engagement between our sets of kids have been vastly different. My husband used to demonstrate carte blanche on extending parenting advice, critique, exuding vast knowledge on the subject - one that he only participated in 10 days a month at that time. If I passed a judgement, suggestion, or observation on HIS kid(s), it was met with disdain. He'd tell me numerous times in fights that THEY have parents and they don't need ME. After months of trying to bring a cohesiveness to this combined family, I gave up. Fast forward to present day, and now he single parents the son who is giving him karma by the bus load and I do not get involved or offer solace. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...

As I previously stated, I am a horrible schmuck for not feeling love toward the s-son who lost his mom 17 months ago.
I tried.
Lord. I tried.
I tried to love that child the four years prior to the death of his mother to alcoholism. When I couldn't love, I simply tried to like him. When I've given him an inch, he's walked on me and/or walked on my kids.
There has always been a feeling of malevolence from that child. The damnedest thing is that he is scholastically smart but plays "dumb" when it comes to day-to-day life and things he does. He knows how to manipulate his dad, and he sure as hell knew how to manipulate his mom! There were countless times she would phone my husband and ask him to discipline the kid over the phone because he wouldn't listen to her and/or challenge her and/or exhibit disdain for her. My husband laughed at it, gleeful, that his Precious Son was too much for her and she needed his help. Now, when the kid is defying him at every turn, lying, stealing, giving him the same disdain, my husband is aghast and 110% blames his dead ex-wife. It's alllllllll her fault. None of it is his.

My tongue bleeds from chewing on it most times.


Acratopotes's picture

"My husband (back when he was my boyfriend) believed us to be exclusively involved. I, however, wasn't operating under the same belief and was dating several men at the same time."

You never discussed this? i would think if you sleep with a person it would be exclusive, you can't be bed hopping between different partners, maybe your DH is just like me...

but your relationship is doomed, cause you never discussed this before hand

am_I_alone's picture

Before those on the forum who are sanctimonious zoom in on the the part of where we were under different beliefs of dating, I did not say I was bed hopping. Don't make that assumption. What I said was frivolous enjoyment. I met people. I went on dates. I began to volunteer. I took ballroom dance lessons. I was NOT sexually intimate with an array of men - but - even if I had been? Why shame a woman who has normal sexual desires? I've never understood that hypocrisy. If my then-boyfriend and I were operating in our relationship on different levels, yes, we should have had "the talk" to allow us the freedom of terminating the relationship when we learned it wasn't going in the direction we thought.

One who is open to criticism should not criticize others. Don't make assumptions and pass judgement when you have made your own mistakes.


Acratopotes's picture

calm down Am_I_Alone...

your original post was unclear, your DH resents the fact that you where cheating on him while only dating, thus the assumption of sleeping with other people,... cause that's cheating, but hanging with friends is a total different story

The I would not have married this man to start off with, his Ex wife cheated on him and now he thinks you did as well, to me it only says he is seeing you the same as his Ex wife, and sorry I will not be compared to another woman, we all are our own persons and if he can't get pass that... then think if it's worth it going through hell the rest of your life

am_I_alone's picture

Fair enough Smile
I wasn't explicit in my rambling last night.

I wasn't offended by your perception, but I do believe woman are sexual creatures as well, and for far too long have had to operate under the label of (insert degragatory term) compared to men. But that's my belief.

Acratopotes's picture

oh yeah I ask that question 100 times a day....

If a lady does bed hopping - she's a whore, easy, slut
If a guy does bed hopping - he's a don juan, ladies man, the man

so unfair...

notsobad's picture

So, the question I'd have for you now is, where do you want this relationship to go?

I know you came here asking for advice on how to deal with DHs blindness to his son but I feel that the real issue is your marriage.
You only have to deal with SS and the way DH deals with him on weekends. Yes, DH is now a full time Dad but you don't live together full time. You are not anywhere close to a blended family.
Do you see that changing in the future?
Do you want to live full time with your husband and this messed up kid?

It sounds like you've done some good things in counceling. If you really are not ready to end this relationship then you have to bring up the subject of his son in counceling.
Especially if you ever want to live with them.

You might be surprised, DH might be seeing his son differently after 17 months of one on one.