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What is wrong with these BMs?? (A little long)

Amaurea's picture

Is it just a requirement for these BMs to be completely effed up? I'm sorry but I just have to vent about how crazy BM is. I just found out last night that BM has a new boyfriend that she "loves" and already has SD calling him "daddy"...let me give you the background as to why this is more proof that she is effed up though:

By the time BM had met my FH she had been engaged twice (she was 20 mind you)...she convinced FH that having a baby would be a GRAND idea after they had been dating 2 months (yeah, process that one for a second). My theory is that she couldn't get her first two fiances to stay with her, cuz shes friggin nuts, so she figured if she convinced someone to knock her up then he could NEVER leave her (hahahaha }:) ). By the time she had SD, her and FH's relationship was pretty much over (shocker huh?...oh, and they were engaged at this point. Thats engagement #3 for her by age 21) She cheated on him several times, all with men she "loved"...he finally left her for the last time.

Flash forward about 6 months, FH meets me. At this point BM is engaged AGAIN to yet another guy (that would be #4 by age 22...are we catching the "relationship whore" pattern here yet?). By the time FH and I are together 2 months, SD is calling BM's new fiance "daddy". FH throws a big fit about it, but BM won't budge because "her new fiance is more of a father to SD than FH is". Whatever, he lets it go. They get married and less than a year later: BM is pregnant again! How wonderful! :sick: this is where the story gets sad a little bit. When BM was 5 months pregnant, her husband died in his sleep. The story is that he had a seizure, but really everyone knows it was probably a drug overdose because he did have a problem with that. BM was genuinely devastated and I did feel bad for her until she started acting a little she had her name put on the headstone. She's 24. And her name is on a headstone. Creepy if you ask me. And on her myspace page she wrote all kinds of things about how she'll "be alone forever" and "no one will ever take her DH's place" etc.

Flash forward 7 months: she is now living with a new guy, whom she "loves" and has SD calling daddy (gee, I wish I had that many daddies growing up :? ) Her myspace page, as of a few days ago, is completely rid of her dead husbands pictures, memories, etc. and she replaced them with pics of her and her new man with SD and the new baby as a "family" and gushing about how they're soooooo in love :sick: Honestly, I didn't expect her to be alone forever but SEVEN MONTHS? And knowing her pattern, they'll probably be engaged in the next few months and that'll be 5 engagements by the time she's 25. A sick, sick woman. So unstable. The only way FH describes it is that she's a "relationship whore"...but I think that is far too understated. Anywho, thanks for reading my vent, I feel much better now. Blum 3


stepmom2kk's picture

WOW - she is off her rocker for sure! I mean yeah we all want to be loved, don't want to be alone, blah, blah, blah but come on! I'd rather be alone and happy than to feel like I HAVE to have someone to "complete" me. I just don't get it!

My BM is married to the man she cheated on DH with and they have an "open relationship" - which basically means that he can screw anyone he wants and she deals with it. I guess the saying is true - what goes around comes around!

BMJen's picture

I knew a woman that was married to her hubby for 27 years. She was a wonderful woman! Great mom, wonderful friend, etc. Then one night he husband stood up, said he had a headache, and passed out. He never woke up. It was terrible. She was so hurt. Within two months she was doing crack and had slept with every man that would have anything to do with her.

I've not lost my DH (thank the Lord) (knock on wood), like either of these two ladies have. But I wonder, if he died how I would take it? I don't think I would turn into a druggie, or sleep with every dude in town. Maybe these girls did it because it was the only way they know to cope?

I dunno, I'm grasping at straws for some sort of sense out of it.


~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~