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Eww Weird

AliceP's picture

So I guess BM unblocked me from facebook when we had the girls so she could see the pictures I was posting. That also means whenever MIL "likes" her pictures it shows up in my feed. MIL liked a picture of BM and the 2 SD's and BM is wearing MY SHIRT!!! It's a smocked peasant style long shirt with embroidery on it that I let SD11 wear because it fir her like a cute sundress. I guess she ended up taking it home with her and now BM is wearing it. :sick:


Bossladee's picture

Yuck! That's disturbing! I would have to comment on that pic "I loved that shirt when DH bought it for me, too bad SD forgot to leave it here when she wore it last" or something like that, LOL. You should block BM, then she can't see your pics and posts. It's ok for her to block you and unblock you at her whim, so just block her completely and let her stew.

AliceP's picture

Yeah I think it is odd too because I would never wear something of somebody else's that wasn't like blood to me. I know she knows it's mine because SD had me send her a picture of her in it with her hair all curled 2 summers ago. Just odd. And the sleeves don't fit her right. lol