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worst in-law stories

General Discussion Since I have the special treat of sharing both Thanksgiving and Christmas with DH's family this year, I'm feeling a little less in the holiday spirit than normal. I thought I'd cheer myself up, by asking people to share t ...

strugglingSM - 12/04/2017 - 3:22pm - 40 comments

OSD just got engaged. Who wants to bet we go 3 for 3?

Another skid wedding coming up... OSD and her SO are on vacation and he proposed, DH got a phone call yesterday with the good news. YSD and SS both got married last year and our daughters were not invited to either wedding. Who wants to bet DDs aren' ...

MrsZipper - 07/04/2017 - 9:40am - 78 comments

New girlfriend of separated man who is emotionally attached to wife

Stepparent Rights Hi all, I am seeking advice bc it's all very new to me. Basically, my boyfriend of 7 months separated a year ago from his wife and they are co-parenting two girls). I agreed to date him because he made it sound like his relationship ...

samara - 08/18/2015 - 7:38pm - 39 comments

Divorced & lonely SD34 fills in the gap with my DH

Adult Stepchildren SD34 has not been on a single date since her divorce over two years ago. She's so annoying and unattractive that I'm not surprised. Instead, she tries to butt in on her father's marriage to me and our date nights. We put ...

TwirlMS - 08/11/2014 - 9:58am - 80 comments


My SD is 20 and will be 21 in Jan. The problem is that my DH raised her to be a spoiled bratt. I blame him for her behavior bc he caters to her. I have told him several times that she needs a job. He buys her gas for her car to go run the streets, clothes ...

pissedoff205 - 09/18/2012 - 3:08pm - 28 comments

Advice please (Little Darling chronicles)

Since last Tuesdays blowup, things have been calm (walking on eggshells) and LD SD14 has been her "sweet" self and talking to me (superficially, but no shunning which is good). I took the advice and took myself out to the beach and out to live m ...

CLove - 05/05/2021 - 10:49am - 95 comments

The infertile step mom....

General Discussion Is anyone here battling infertility and as a consequence finding it extremely hard to be a step mom? How do you cope? How do you handle insensitive comments made by others about infertility and being a step mom? I ask because the guilt ...

Stuck33 - 02/16/2012 - 8:48pm - 65 comments

I hAvE cHaNgEd

I typed the title stupid, because H is being stupid. So it seemed fitting. Long story short, we've been to counseling twice.  Both times have been painful, and followed with him being s d***head jacka$$ (pardon my french... I just don't know how ...

ProbablyAlready... - 12/03/2019 - 3:44pm - 67 comments
