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please don't let it be to good to be true

xomaxoai's picture

He says he told her to stop calling him unless it pertains to the boys and that he's no longer doing favors for her!!!!!!!!! Someone pinch me make sure I'm not dreaming!!!! His ex accused me of mistreating their oldest I instantly refused to watch them and never be left alone with them again. Talk about pissed off man!!!!! But I haven't budged and I am so proud of myself I never let him get an angry reaction from me all week. It worked I hope waiting for the needle to pop my happiness

SM12's picture

Oh hell no!!! If BM accused me of mistreating the stepshits I would refuse to allow them in my home for 2 seconds without DH being here...and that would be limited. BM had MSS send a shitty text about YSS going to school in crappy torn clothing which was directed at me and that alone nearly caused me to say NO MORE. I had nothing to do wtih the shitty clothing regardless of what BM thought.
I think that is 100% a valid reason to stop being alone with the Skids, I am just waiting for BM to pull that one on me once the YSS is old enough to stay alone. Thats when she seems to try and PAS them into no longer coming. Fortunately that means only a few more years and I won't have to deal with them at all.

xomaxoai's picture

It was my worst fear come true from when he first started asking. She has accused me of many untrue things from the start. There is no way I will ever be alone with them again!!!! Id is very much hurt by it but when I asked him will she one day go to the cops? And then what I loose mine and go to jail? then what? what is wrong with these woman?!?!? They really seem to enjoy finding ways to be shitty!!!!!

notasm3's picture

Dear BM:

Your crotch droppings are worthless pieces of shit. I choose to remove them from my life. Do not worry about my mistreating them as I will no longer even be in their presence.


kathc's picture

Yep, now do not ever ever ever be alone with any of them. Your dh must be present at all times or else they can't be around.