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disengage from bm

testedagain's picture

Do you think disengaging from skid, and everything that goes with them really works? What if Dh and bm have mutual friends? He says he can't stand her, yet she's there when he hangs out with his friends. She's a very involved mother and he is a very involved father. They don't follow a standard possession order. So if I want to disengage completely, if I never want to see bm it would mean that we live pretty separate lives. How would that work?

MacMom's picture

It would be called disengaging, not DETACHING. I'm not sure you can avoid her if she's in yours and your hubs circle of friends. However, you can vow to still be civil, polite, considerate, exchange pleasantries, etc, to her should you need to chat, like you would with anyone. Just DISENGAGE when it comes to the skids. Defer everything skid related to the parents. Everything.