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What ss15 just said.

purpledaisies's picture

:jawdrop: SS15 was just talking to his dad and the subject of us doing 'things' came up. Now ss15 calls this 'happy time'. Anyway he told us both in the open (we were in the kitchen) that and I quote here (Do you remember when you were married to mom and was not looking forward to happy time?) :jawdrop:

that was all I could do was for my jaw to hit the floor! What do you say to that??? :?

BM is so stupid!

purpledaisies's picture

Dh picks the boys up at her house since she lives a little from where he works. Then he meets her almost half way to drop them off. This is doing her a favor as they are to meet half way to pick up and drop off. Plus dh just did her another favor by letting her have them 2 hours earlier for their thanksgiving on sun.

Now if the rest of the mini-vacation stays like this...

Last-Wife's picture

After lazing in bed with Loghead till 11am (gosh- I love being teachers!), Loghead took Gibby 8 and PITA 16 out for most of the day.

I have brought the Christmas tree out of the basement, and the boxes of ornaments. I have wrapped two packages to take to the post office Friday afternoon. Christmas music is playing. I've made two desserts for a little family gathering tomorrow, and dinner is baking in the oven- my favorite- Tuna Casserole. Screw everyone else! They can eat whatever left overs they like!

What happens when skids don't want to come over???

Mommyto1Stepto2's picture

My stepsons are teenagers and I am afraid that they are going to want to stop comnig over to our house - it's not as "FUN" as BM's, we have rules, we don't let them watch anything they want, we don't let them have friends over all the time, etc. I am curious as to what everybody has done?? Obviously DH's decree states that he has them every Wed and every other weekend so what happens when the kids become teenagers and don't want to follow that anymore? Do you go back to court? Do you just let things be? One thing to note - Stepkids live less than a mile from us.

JUST realized we didn't invite SS for Thanksgiving!

soy_girl's picture

I was doing really good at "disengaging" -- I just realized we hadn't told SS20 that I was cooking Thanksgiving lunch! Blum 3 DH is working tomorrow afternoon, and I was planning to go to my Mom's for dinner..till I got the sad eyes from DH that the house wouldn't smell like thanksgiving. I decided to cook lunch for him tomorrow, then go to my mom's late.

whereas children frequently come to appreciate having a SF the situation w SMs is more difficult & SK resentment is more intense

young_step_mom's picture

I have to admit that finding this site was a blessing and a curse. Although I do appreciate that I now have a chance to vent to people who will listen and not criticize me for not loving my SS, it is also very difficult to read some posts because it makes me fear the future.

Whose responsiblity is it really?

zenjetset's picture

FDH is in the beginning stages of filing for modification of CS and parenting time. The atty has been waiting for the financial documentation to back-up what he (I) stated in the financial affidivt.

Today is my day off, but I got up at 7:30am and started scanning and emailing the documents to the atty. I've spent 4 hours on this today so far and I just called FDH to ask him to please find 3 items when he got home today. His reply...
