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why should bm get all the love when she lives a plane ride away?

emilymarie's picture

Sd9 mom lives across the country and sees her twice a year...Result? Sd lives w us full time...and I mean fullll time....too afraid to spend the nite anywhere. So why does sd tell mom when she calls once a month that she's the best mommy in the World? I'm more of a mother figure and yet I can't get used tothat idea and feel like I can't step upand be that for her. She's cold to me and barely hugs me goodnite. Any Advice?

Crazy Week...Divorce, Sex & Facebook! (LONG Update...)

mommylove's picture

I know this has been asked before, but how do you cut ties with someone that you love? God I love my H, but I am so over this marriage because of what it has done to me as a person (killed my self-esteem) and how I feel about marriage based on this experience (that marriage is so OVERRATED and NOT my "cup 'o tea".)

*Sigh* BM wins the nighttime potty training battle....for now.

SteppingUp's picture

A few months ago we talked to BM about trying to start night-time potty training with SS3. He's totally the type of personality that he's lazy about most things. We figured he is just lazy with his night time peeing, too -- that he knew he had a pull-up on so instead of getting up to go to the bathroom he would just go in it. I vented on here that BM refused to do it. She said she refused to clean up a mess every night.

I am so confused about my role...

McCabe's picture

I am confused about my role in our step family. I am the SM, there is only one 9 year old son in the home, no other children.
I am a stay at home wife and I have SS every other week. I take him to school and pick him up from school. Pretty much most of the responsibility of "mommyhood" is on me when he is with us.
The problem is that the other adults (including his dad (my husband), have issues with this and want to put him in before SCHOOL care and after SCHOOL care because I spend more time with him then they do!

First attempt at team parenting....failed.

Ssamantha's picture

After reading Rags post on equity parenting, I talked to my FH and we made a decision that I would get more involved and discussions with the kids would be held with BOTH of us. So we actually had to discuss chores with my SS7 that night. We called him downstairs and we both sat down and talked to him about not doing his chores. He sat and listened and when I took my turn to speak, he would not look at me!! He kept staring at his father....I couldn't believe it. Every time I said something it was the same thing. It was like I wasn't there!
