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Sweet T's Blog

Why CS should not be discussed infront of kids.

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Last night SS18 ( my former step son ) graduated from high school. BS almost 9 went with my ex to this. After he came home he was upset because his dad started going off in front of him about how he was getting rid of one kid and the CS and had two more to go. I get being excited to be getting closer to not having to pay for your kids any more, but at almost 9 it was not appropriate to discus it in front of him.

Controlling nut

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So today my ex husband sends me this email. This comes on the heels of some serious PASing that he has managed to do over the weekend that was very damaging to BS almost 9. I am not going to get into that, but lets just say I am not pleased and we have an emergency visit with the therapist.

I want to share something special

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My former 18 year old step son sent me thing today:

Good morning Sweet!

So I'm graduating this year and I want my entire family to attend my graduation party on the 25th (if they can of course). However, I have a dilemma, I do not have the addresses for Uncle J, Aunt J, Grandma and Grandpa , or Aunt P. I am wanting to send them each a grad party invitation and would apple it their addresses. Hahaha.

Thanks Sweet! I love you,

What school of thought are you?

Sweet T's picture

Are you of the school of thought that part of being divorced is that you need to accept the fact that you have no say or influence of what goes on in the exes home? When you decided to divorce your former spouse that is part of the deal. Let me clarify that as long as neither party is not doing anything illegal, immoral or life threatening you need to just keep your mouth shut.
