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Should I feel guilty???

sunflower3's picture

Long story short, my DH's BD lived with us for about 3 years. It was always stressful with her living with us as it is my DH, myself and our 3 bio-kids in a small house. Her BM moved to Florida and that is the reason why she moved in with us. However, her and I do not get along. She used to watch my 2 girls when they got off the bus after school, which DH's BD is 16, and it was for maybe an hour. Her and my 7 year old at the time did not get along. My 7 year old would agitate and push DH's BD's buttons. Not once, but twice, DH's BD put her hands on my 7 year old. She pushed her out of her room, against the door and my daughter fell and it left a little scratch on her back. The next time, she picked her up, threw her on our bed and shut the door and would not let her out. She has even tied her in a chair, and DH's BD has also locked herself in the bathroom so she would not have to deal with daughters, while she is supposed to be watching them. DH's BD has told her dad one day on the phone when we were arguing that if she had to live with me she would "fucking" kill me and one night on FB posted "Ugghhh, I hate when people you hate keep texting you when they know you hate their guts and they know you have nothing to say to them and have pretty much fucked up your whole life." Mind you, I was asking her what she wanted for Christmas. And her BM also told her that she had an email that said I didn't want her anywhere around and that I wish she was dead. Funny thing is, I did not write that and her mother has no email that says that. So DH's BD did not come back to IL after she had spent the summer in Florida with her mom.
So to get to my point, Dh's BD got to IL last Saturday and has yet to see her dad. I am sure it is because of me. I have made it perfectly clear to DH that she will not stay in our house. If she does, I will not. Am I being slefish and a bitch for not letting someone who disrespects me, blames me for screwing up her whole life and putting her hands on my daughter, stay in my house? Not to mention, DH's mother and sister have butted their noses into this whold situation and are partly to blame too.

I do not want to see this little witch nor do I even consider her my step-daughter. Any input would be great, because there are few people I can vent too who are in the same situation.


Jsmom's picture

If you are selfish, I am right there with you. DH knows that if SD15 decides to want to live here again, I will leave with my son. No exceptions to this. I kept my house rented out just in case of this.

She is a rotten child that I want absolutely nothing to do with.

Stick to your guns, he can move somewhere else with her if he wants, but your keeping the house...

Anon2009's picture

I don't think so. DH can go see her at MIL's and/or SIL's for the weekend. I wouldn't let her back into your home until she's gotten extensive help for her issues and has made significant progress in dealing with them.