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Homeless Man living with BM

kimmie808's picture

Last friday, my SS transitioned to our home. He reported to me that his mother and step-father befriended a homeless male adult that walked up to them while they were painting their porch, offered his help, and they ended up letting this man stay at their house. That first night, this man was found in SS's step-brother's bed. When SS confronted his mother about his fears regarding this man, his mother told him that he had nothing to worry about and that the man inadvertedly had gone to the wrong room. SS told his mother that this man could end up in his bed. His mother discounted his concerns and continued to have this homeless man, that no one really knows, live in their house. I was completely fearful for the kids in that house. I told my SS that he should not have to be fearful of someone coming into his room at night in his own house. I also told SS that his step-brother's mom should be informed of this inappropriate situation. I also told him that when his safety is being compromised, we have to get involved. So, we decided to call SS's step-brother's mom to inform her that this was happening. She had no idea that there was a homeless man living at her ex's house, nonetheless ,that he was found sleeping in her son's bed. We also wrote to my BF's ex, an email stating that this was a concern and that SS is fearful of being at her house with this man living there. The ex wrote back an email stating that "our friend" is now gone and also stated that we had no right to contact her step-son's mother and that the behavior we exhibited will not be tolerated. She continued to state that we have no business even butting into the situation with her step-son. We responded to her email by stating that we were glad that she verifed in writing that the homeless man was there and is now gone. In addition, we stated that it is unfortunate that she took offense to our contact with her step-son's mother. We stated that anytime a child's safety is being compromised, we will do everything in our powers to be sure that the child is safe. SS transitioned back to BM yesterday and he emailed me today telling me that he is ok and that the homeless man is not there. I try to always let him know that he can turn to us whenever he has a concern.

I would like to get feedback regarding whether our actions (calling SS's step-brother's mom and emailing the ex) were appropriate given the fact that we received information from SS about a possible safety concern at his mother's.


Sasha's picture

You were absolutely right to do what you did. I agree that the childrens' safety was a valid issue and you did the right thing in contacting BM's SS mother. Sounds like she was not happy with the homeless man being there either.

This was not butting in. I only wish there were more parents like you looking out for the safety of all children.

kimmie808's picture

Thanks for your comment. I usually follow my gut instinct in situations like these. And 99% of the time I am right - but I just wanted to get confirmation that other parents would do the same, in good conscience.

This incident is just one of many that we've had to deal with regarding the ex. I could write a novel about the drama she create for us and especially for SS. It is pretty bad that she borders being an unfit parent.

Sita Tara's picture

You absolutely did the right thing. I think it's wonderful that you got it in writing that he's gone, which is an admittance that he was there in the first place. Good job Smile
Peace, love, and red wine

Conflicted's picture

Why would any parent put their child in harms way like that?? WHAT AN IDIOT!

southernshellgirl's picture

I would have done the same. That is serious! Besides, if it was not a bad situation for the kids, why would BM have been upset at you and DH calling step-brother's mom? Like I have said before, the way I was raised, if you feel the need to keep something a secret, it usually means you're doing something wrong. That's freaky!!!

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I---
I took the one less traveled by,
and that made all the difference. -Robert Frost-