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This was Ridiculous!

FrustratedandLost's picture

It's been a long time since I posted here but thought I would ask if I was correct or not. Two weeks ago SD called her dad at 8:15 p.m. asking if he was in bed yet. He answered yes and asked why. SD said she was in our town and was on her way over. He got off the phone with her and I asked if she was coming over and he said yes. SD got there at 8:30 p.m. and I got pissed saying SD was rude and inconsiderate to just show up. SD has done this multiple times. SO got mad at me and I said this is my house and I have every right to say what I want. SO shut the door to the room and I sat in there a few minutes longer. Then I went out there and said what's up to SD? I didn't yell at her at all, I just said yea, you should've told us you were coming, what would happen if you got stuck on the side of the road, nobody would know what happened to you. SD said then I just won't surprise you anymore. I talked with her for about fifteen or twenty minutes more then went to bed.

The next morning, Saturday, she stayed in the room she sleeps in most of the morning and then came out and I don't remember if we said good morning or not. But she looked for something to eat in the kitchen then went back in the room and the next time I saw her, SD was leaving with packages to return wherever she bought them from and said bye. We didn't see her all day and then when she got home that evening, I tried to make conversation with her by asking if she did anything fun that day and she said she didn't do much. SD had gone and hung out with her aunt. I asked if she got her tire fixed and she said yea. Her tire was low. SD didn't really talk. But she told her aunt nobody was talking to her. Before she got home, her dad and I got into an argument about her showing up to our house without telling us beforehand that she was coming. He doesn't think it's a big deal but I told him that is how I was raised and I wasn't going to change the way I was raised for him or his daughter. I also told SO that I am not asking too much of her to be a considerate adult and tell us she's coming. I told him that I will never win in my own house, that everything was about him and his kid, to which he replied that I'm the stepmom and should act like one. I told him that I should have a say in my house and that he should support me. I also told him that he kisses his daughter's ass because he's too afraid she'll quit talking to him like his older daughter did and he said he didn't care. YES HE DOES!!!

Fast forward two weeks to now, and after talking to her aunt for a while and knowing that she called me pathetic and a hypocrite because my dad showed up to my 50th b-day party last year without me knowing and I cried because I was told that he wasn't coming. (My parents live in a different state 6 hours away). She was not coming to our house to see her dad because of me. He had told her what's the big deal with me asking that she let us know that she was coming so I could prepare. She had a cow and keeps comparing the situation with my dad to the night she supposedly "surprised" us. After talking to her aunt and knowing what she's been saying, I decided to say sorry to her to make peace and so that she would come see her dad. Once again, I caved. I know what you guys are saying, that I'm stupid and that you wouldn't have done that. I told my husband that I would not put up with being ghosted in my home and that I wasn't going through that again. SD is living in another city and working as a nurse so hopefully she will not be here for a while. I will not be in town easter weekend so I won't have to see her then. Hopefully, I won't have to see SD for a long time. 


JRI's picture

If shes a nurse, I'm guessing she's in her 20s.  But some of her responses remind me of a 12yo SD.

FrustratedandLost's picture

and yes she does respond like a spoiled self-entitled 12 year old. I told husband that his kids are perfect and don't do anything wrong, to which he disagreed of course. So freaking ridiculous.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

Once i had my "adult job" and my own house, i didn't do pop-over sleepovers at my parents' house. It's one thing for a college student who lives in temporary housing to pop in on weekends, but a grown adult needs to check first. SD is 23, so adulting may be new to her, but it was her dad's job to set those expectations. He sounds like a Disney dad who is just so overjoyed to get any attention at all, that he won't set reasonable boundaries. That's not attractive in a husband. 

advice.only2's picture

I would have said to Auntie “Well what SD23 fails to realize is my father showed up to a planned event one that he knew I would be there, SD23 showing up randomly on a weeknight does not guarantee we would be home or having hot swinging monkey sex that she could have walked in on.”  Let her relay that little tidbit to old SD23 and see how she likes it.  Never apologize for your house your rules.  


CLove's picture

I dont think you are stupid, I think you lack the confidence and the auntie and Sd are emotional wolves that smelt your fear of them, and went for your jugular.

Be the Queen Bee of your home. Your SD23 is an adult and she doesnt live there, so she can be a polite guest and let you know ahead of time. Her false equivalencies are a manipulation tool, and you see that but your husband does not. 

Have things improved since this time last year?

FrustratedandLost's picture

SD doesn't live with us anymore. She is here on a weekend every now and then but for the most part she does not come here. She is polite to me when she is here and gives me a hug hello and goodbye, which she never did before. Her mom and her mom's friends kicked her out of their house in November of 2022 for some reason and the night she was told to leave, they all jumped SD. I called the police to go to the BM's house and help her. Aren't I a good stepmom. But SD now lives with her aunt in another town closer to where she works and is finding out how there are no boundaries in the home when it comes to her stuff. this karma knocking on her door? We do get along good. Just since this problem two weeks ago, she now has her attitude back.

FrustratedandLost's picture

I totally agree that he is part of the problem. He tells me that I will not stop him from seeing his daughter. I told him I'm not asking him to do that; I'm just asking for his daughter to be a mature considerate adult and let us know when she is coming up. I told the aunt that when she has her own place, she will understand. 

CLove's picture

Sure, go ahead and have your relationship - just over THERE, if you cannot be respectful.

I still have a key to my parents house. I always call and text first.

Rags's picture

Oh yes, the surprise then get your fee fees hurt cycle.  My IL clan are all about the surprise.  They show up unannounced then get all butt hurt when those they surprise have schedules, work, etc... that they have to deal with which hurts the surprise visitor fee fees.

My IL clan is also the ones who get all excited when we tell them months or weeks in advance that we going to visit if it is okay with the.  They remain excited during the periodic calls leading up to our visit. Then... we arrive and they are out of town.  I really don't give a shit, but it hurts my DW significantly.  My stance is we spend time with those who make time for us. Those who play games, can F-off for all I care.  

This is a whole cycle thing.  It will be fine for a while, then the surprise visits followed by butt hurt fee fees, then we plan and communicate visits well ahead of time, and usually the one who got their fee fees hurt when they surprised everyone without notics shades everyone and is no where to found.

My family is far more laid back, we tell them as soon as we know we are likely going to be there, whoever is available enjoys time together.  No hurt fee fees. No unappreciated or unexpected surprises. 


Stepdrama2020's picture

What is it with the big daddios and their gawd awful crappy daughters. They are entitled cause thats how big daddio raised them.

Good for you for placing boundaries.

If SD does not stick to it cause daddio is ok with that then make sure you get your rudest aunt/sibling/friend to "pop" by and ignore your DH . Let em be loud and never leave. Let DH feel the burn. OR just show up at SD's unannounced, wonder if she would like that. Sometimes you gotta give what you get.

Best of luck and blessings

Harry's picture

To happen, he's playing her game.  Instead of telling her he sleeping. Come over tomorrow at a normal time. But he gets up.  Your problem is with DH. He's allowing this to go on . He should be parenting his child 

FrustratedandLost's picture

My DH is not parenting his child and allowing her to get away with whatever she wants to do just like he's done all along. DH doesn't have balls to stand up to his daughter and she is his mini-wife.