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Don't know if this has been brought up to help Madison...

Empty Risks's picture

But I am hitting yahoo chat rooms right now with links. They have parent/family chat rooms, and that applies I think! Next I am hitting the religious chats to see what they think.

So yeah, maybe if anyone else has yahoo accounts or some other kind that gets into chat rooms, the word can spread even faster! Smile



goingcrazy's picture

are amazing!!!! You guys are like my sisters. I posted on the richardson website. I put my story. I am putting it here it case anyone wants to add my words so people see it from a mom's angle.

Sorry my baby is TOO much trouble
By Amy Caudillo - Sep 12th, 2007 at 10:23 pm MDT
Mr. Richardson,
This is not my first communication with you. Nor shall it be my last... that I am sure of. When I first began this, I was very hopeful that you would be the one to help. Your initial letter was so assuring. Then it all went downhill. I am sure you have read other blogs by my beautiful friends demanding justice. Now I want you to hear my side.... I want you to hear the pain from a mother's heart and not just the masses screaming at you for your lack of concern and disinterest.

Two years ago, this broken little girl named Madison entered my life. I was not chosen to give birth to her, but in her words " God knew I needed a good mommy so he gave you to my daddy and me". From that on, she has been my little girl. Although the State of Texas or New MExico does not grace me with the legal rights of a biological mother, my heart does. I am the only mommy that Madison has. I am the mommy that holds her when she is sick, when she is scared. I am the mommy that goes to PTA meetings and teacher conferences. I am the mommy that sits and does homework, tucks her in, reads her stories. So I am her mom. I am the one who watches her suffer from the trauma that she has indured in her short five years. I am the one that has to listen to her crying "mommy please come get me, they are being mean" when she is forced to go vivit her grandparents. I am the one who attends EVERY SINGLE THERAPY SESSION. Do you know how bad it sucks to have to make sure that your 5 year old child doesn't miss a therapy session or a psychiatric appointment> Do you know how it feels to be awakened in the middle of the night because a small child is scared to death after having a nightmare that her offender was trying to kill her. Do you know how heartbreaking it is to have to stand by and watch your child go into uncontrollable rages because of all the pain that she is holding inside? I am guessing that you don't. Because if you had experienced even an ounce of what I have, you would have enough compassion to not consider this too complex. You would want to be involved. And I am sorry that you feel this is not something you wish to get involved with. Guess what, neither did I. I have the opportunity on a daily basis to not be involved in this anymore. She is not legally mine. My husband and I have no biologcal children together. I could walk away at anytime. But have I? Hell no!!!! I consider myself a good enough Christian that I would not turn my back on a hurting child. That child could be a complete sdtranger to me and if I have the means to help, then by God I am going to. Unfortunately, you appear to not have the same moral stance that I do.

I had to be the one to wrap my arms around Madison when she broke down and told me what had happened to her. The first incident came after a lengthy psychiatric appointment where she felt my seurity. I was also there to comfort her and praise her for having the courage to speak up with the second claim. It sucks to no end to have to hear your child describe how is feels to be molested. These are things you pray will never happen in a lifetime. But it has happened. And now we are here dealing with her emotional welfare. NM Police, Sheriff's, CYFD, the ENTIRE Legal system, attorneys and more throughout New MExico would rather pretend that it hasn't. Why? because a small child chose to speak up during a custody matter. Bad timing? Yes! But as the therapist explained to us, Madison chose now because of the idea of having to return to the place of the abuse. It is triggering thoughts, it is causing an uneasiness within her that is making her seek safety. Thank God that I have been able to prove that I am her safe haven. I promised this child that I would love her and protect her as though she were my flesh and blood. I am doing everything I can to uphold that promise.

Funny thing is, if someone would have listened to us in the beginning, when I first contacted you.... she would not have been ordered to go for a week visit and the new claim of assualt would not be here. See, it was during that visit in late June that Madison is stating her grandfather instructed her to insert her fingers into her vagina while she was taking a bath and he watched her. It is during that time that he told her she could not use toilet paper to wipe. He wanted her using only her fingers. So, if I could have gotten more help the first time around, then we wouldn't be dealing with what we are now. But as usual, nobody cared enough. Now a NM judge has ordered that she have regular UNSUPERVISED visits with this individual that "ALLEGEDLY" gets his jollies off of small girls. And he has an eleven year old stepdaughter living with him. Of course when we voiced concern about this other childs safety, we were blown off as well. Guess children have to die before New Mexico steps in.

I am praying that your run for President does not turn into you leading our country. That terrifies me to no end. I mean, this whole war with Iraq is VERY COMPLEX, our economic situation is VERY COMPLEX, our social security system is VEY COMPLEX, our wlefare system is VERY COMPLEX, come to think of it, all of our needs and a country are VERY COMPLEX. Are you going to run from those too because you do not want to become involved in a matter that is too complex? I can honestly say that I now understand why New MExico carries the stigmatism of being one of the most corrupt states

Feel free to repost it if you think it will help. Love you all so much!!! My husband is just beside himself with the friendships that you all have given us.

Empty Risks's picture

I love this letter. Especially the "complex" issues you point out! BRAVO!