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I want to run away

Cdngirl's picture

At this moment I hate my f*&^en SD12. She is displaying so many of her BM characteristics that it is making me sick..constant lying, thinking that the rules don't apply and demanding things she hasn't earned. For the last couple of months her attitude had gotten so bad that I would love to put her head through a wall and then maybe something would get through (okay won't happen I am not a violent person so don't jump down my through for this thought) SD lives with us full time and recently because her piece of shit BM can't take her because of her drinking and violence I don't get a break. I don't have children of my own and truthfully I don't want any. Augh I am just so mad I was hoping that writting this down would help me before I got home and had to deal with her. I would rather join the circus right about now, it would be less stressful.


snoopyinoz's picture

My sd's BM does the same thing. Start taking away privledges, things in her room, stuff she thinks she NEEDS. sit her in a corner with NOTHING to do MAKE her earn things back, and you need to get with your SO and tell him "look, I NEED a night/time to myself to regroup before I loose it completly"