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Update: Medium Chill

Just K's picture

I successfully did the ‘Medium Chill’ at dinner tonight.  Medium Chill is A technique used to disengage oneself from another person's drama when direct contact is unavoidable.

Medium Chill is disengaging emotionally and giving neutral responses to what someone does or says. The focus is on you, your feelings and needs, not the other person or their feelings and needs.


Disengaged and practicing the pause

Sam2's picture

Well I've done a lot of thinking since the OMG.  Up until the incident that started this journey I had been disengaged.  I made what would get eaten and was easy on the budget.   I made sure there was SS food in the house but didn't go out of my way to get special food.   My bio-kids like Macaroni and Cheese for lunch at times so its usually in the house.  I let his dad buy anything else his son would eat and life was what is was.  I was also practicing what was known at the pause.
