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Help needed please! Christmas Disaster

General Discussion Hi everyone. I have am currently in a mini-crisis that has forced me to look for help. I have been married to my hubby for a year and we both have one 11 year old son each. We have my ss every other week. And we split all holidays and b ...

apples73 - 12/29/2015 - 2:21pm - 142 comments

My husband can't believe we're "doing this to SD8"

I posted awhile ago about how we couldn't decide how to rearrange the rooms in our house to accommodate the new baby who will be arriving in less than a month. Well, in the past week we finally made the decision. Currently, SD8 and DD3 have rooms bes ...

Teas83 - 06/17/2016 - 2:25pm - 157 comments

Am I evil for feeling the way I do about SD

Blended Family Issues Hi Guys I must be such an evil person. I googled "I hate my girlfriend's child" and came across this site. It actually feels good to read some of the posts and see that I am not the only person in the world feeling lik ...

jadedgem - 01/26/2017 - 1:49am - 170 comments

Why do I hate the EX so much

General Discussion I don't know why but i really hate this woman. She is difficult to talk to she screams and yells and throw things if she does not get her way. (like when she tool my husband back for more money and she was caught in a couple of lie ...

papergirl31128 - 06/29/2006 - 12:53pm - 187 comments
