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Phone wars....e-mail wars....

lovin-life's picture

I've gotten legal advice to file for sole custoday because the level of co-operation necessary for joint custody/joint decision making is just not there and his actions clearly depict that..

I received an email from x yesterday evening. He finally told me when to expect my son home!! Claims that BF heard him correct son on going for 2 weeks. and that he wasn't flipping on me because of what I said..but rather because daughter also questioned the weekend/week/2 week...thing first. (he called it "going aboard him" .. but I started out calm..until he told me to "not even go there")

He went on to say that he has limited access to e-mail and quote "I don't understand what the big deal is. I thought you would encourage time spent with the kids." (I little "dig" at me for the beneift of his home town audience)

I tore a strip off of him ..this was my response!!

You can't just show up at their house and take them and not inform
anyone ... That's just irresponsible!

When daughter wanted me to show up on your last weekend visit and "take her"
when you weren't home ..I wouldn't do it. It's not the right thing to
do!! I thought you would have more sense....

That's what the big deal is!! I'm surprised you even have to ask....

Son only has enough clothes for a weekend. Is that fair to him!!! NO
All because you want to play these little games. Fine your e-mail
access is limited.....we also have telephones in our house..a house
phone..a cell phone..and I even have one at my job and you know all of
those phone numbers! We have a mail box too...and you know our address.
There were many ways to notify just chose not too!!! Why..... I can only guess!

And as far as daughter asking what's going on....why wouldn't hearing 3
different vacation stories...bother her. You just tried to talk her into
going for "only a weekend" son says 2 weeks. Doesn't she have a
right to ask what's going on. Where do you think I get my
information....certainly not from you..from the kids.. She feels like
you've lied to her again..telling her & son your going for the
weekend...then son says 2 weeks..then you say 1 week. BF didn't
overhear any correction you might have said to son. Niether BF
or I were told anything by you.

In case you don't remember ...we've had this discussion about you using
the kids to relay information.. Remember you ended up drunk and missed
sons Soccer Tournament...because of misinformation...from the child WE
went through this then.... Make arrangement through the adults ..NOT THE
CHILDREN! And you still have to ask what the big deal is! Do you not
see the problem with it!!

And as far as your constant "DIGS" at me about encouranging time spent
with the's really wearing thin! Who do you think was trying to
talk your daughter into going with you....this weekend. Who do you
think tried to patch up your skiing fight... Who do think encourages her
to talk it out with you..... Who came to you with her Room
problem... Who do you think recommended counselling to you to resolve
things with her... and all you do is shit over me for it!

I don't make up your childrens sports schedule... I don't pick what
weekends her tournaments I don't know why you threw provincials
landing on your weekend in my its' my fault!. As far as Moncton last winter goes....I had given you the ringette website..same as me. At the top of the page was Tournaments. You were very quick to
throw her sports events in my justification for "taking son without notifying anyone."

AS you are well aware....we are out of town Friday Saturday and Sunday
..4th 5th & 6th. WE will be at Provincials. I do not know what time we will be returning home on depends on how we do and the game schedule. A Phone call to our cell phone in advance would be nice. So we will know whether to expect to meet up with son at Provincials or back home if later in the day. far as me "going aboard you"... Being told to "not go there"
when asking about when my son will be coming home...was way out of line.!!
I do have the right to know when my son will be returned to my care...and
I didn't appreciate your words or the threatening tone ...