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Bms money tree went bare so she ditched her kids

crackergirl's picture

I haven't been around for a while because things have been crazy at home. We had the step kids week on and off then every other weekend then week on week off for the last year or so depending on what bms schedule and how much of a hassle they were. Dh would get tired of them and switch back to every other weekend. Bm would get tired of them and switch back to every othet week. These kids are so rotten and spoiled no one wants them. No one.

Once bm found out she couldn't rape dh of his inheritance since he didn't get one she went after the kids money. She found out on a Friday she couldn't touch it and dumped the kids on us by Monday claiming she was tired of doing all the hard work while dh was a disney dad. Well boo frickin hoo! You shouldnt of had them then. To bad we cant do a post birth abortion! Instead these hetahens are living in my house full time torturing my son with all their grander and telling him how special they are and bm quit her job, sold her house and bought an rv she travels in. She sees the kids for dinner once or twice a week. If we say no to something on the weekend they go to bms and she lets them go. They are failing achool and follow no rules and bm lets them party at their friends all night. We have to let them go since she has 50/50 on paper and the police she called on us enforced it. The kids know they can be a jerk to ds and get away with it by hiding with bm for a week. When they get back dh lets it go. I hate them all so much and if i had the money to leave I would. I'm saving right now. Im expected to share household cost evenly with me being 2 and him being 4 people and when i didn't pay, dh cut off cable and internet, cell phones ect and said he couldn't afford them with paying all the bills. Bm got the kids cell phones and dh has a work cell so its just ne and bs who go without. I hate them. So yeah, my life sucks.


Acratopotes's picture

relax girl...

let DH cut it all, who cares, simply get your own, stop sharing 50/50, only pay for you and BS.

GEt pay as you go for you and BS, and ignore any calls from DH - sorry hun I don;t have a phone, get your own internet and only BS can have the code, no one else..... disengage, keep on saving and get out...

Remember we all grew up without cell phones and internet, I'm talking about the 70-80's and we made it... nothing wrong with you and BS doing it now.

thinkthrice's picture

I too worry about this. Should the CS gravy train for the almost aged out skids stop before 21 (CS goes to 21 in NYS), the Girhippo would be more than happy to dump at least YSS out the door. Now SD, she is enmeshed with, just like HER mother (BM's BM) so it is less likely to happen AND they are PASed to the HILT!

DaizyDuke's picture

You're blaming BM for a lot of stuff that is your DH's problem. If skids are doing crappy in school, treating your DS poorly, follow no rules, then that can't be ALL BM's fault if she only sees them once or twice a week. Your DH is just as much at fault and sounds like a crappy parent as well. Sounds like skids run all over EVERYONE.

And what's good for the goose is good for the gander. If DH can't afford cell phone, internet etc. then you can't afford to pay 1/2 the bills when there are 2 of you and 4 of them. SAVE your money. Stash every last penny you can and when you get evicted or foreclosed on, get away from these rejects and start fresh. Sure you might have crappy credit for a bit, but it will recover and so will you.

Willow2010's picture

I am AMAZED you and your DH are still together. You have both done terrible things to each other and each others kids.
Honestly, I would move out. Yes you can afford it, you just choose not to. Stop paying for his crap and save it up. There is no way I would live in that mess.

Amcc13's picture

I think if it were me and my partner kept leaving me high and dry I would do everything in my power to leave yesterday
You continue to let your son be victimised by these brats and you don't have enough respect for yourself or your son to leave
You said in previous blogs your husband makes tons of money and buys things left right and centre but he can't afford to pay his share of cable and phone??? That literally makes no sense. It seems that at every turn, everyone goes out of their way to punish each other. And he who has the most money can obliviously hand out the most punishments in this case.

You have a mother you have a sister you have a best friend- is there anyone who could take you guys in until you get back on your feet??