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Can't stand SS

Space_Cadet's picture

Really struggling with SS12, been with his BM for 3yrs.
Put up with a lot of Sh*t from him in that time, physically hurting me, damaging my things, constantly rude to me, making up lies about me...
She was forever making excuses for him. "he's going through a tough time, his whole world has tipped upside down".. felt sorry for him I guess.
But here we are 3 years down the line.. he treats me like crap still.. I don't have the time of day for him anymore...
then tonight she says to me how I really need to make more of an effort with him because she can't cope with us not getting on.... I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO MAKE AN EFFORT FOR YEARS AND YOU LET THE LITTLE SH*T TREAT ME LIKE CRAP!

Please someone stop me from going insane!!

I don't doubt that she loves me... I just think her son can do no wrong!

GhostRobot's picture

I think it depends on whether the DH supports and agrees with her or not. If he is not supportive, she is fighting a losing battle and disengaging may be the only choice. If he agrees and supports her, he should lead the battle because he holds the most influence and power over the SS.

Loxy's picture

Disengaging is usually (or at least should be) a last resort. If you're unable to connect and form a relationship with your SK's and your partner is no help in that area (ie Disney parent who doesn't back you or call the SK on bad behaviour etc) then often there's just no choice if you want to stay with your partner.

Rags's picture

She very well may love you.... however.... she is an abject parental failure and waste of skin as a parent. Whatever you do... don't spawn with this woman. She has proven that her abilities to parent effectively are poor at best.

Loxy's picture

I disagree that disengaging is the answer here because the main problem is your DW not respecting you and making you an equal priority in the relationship. I've been to hell and back trying to survive this step-parenting gig but the one thing I've always had (and would have walked if I didn't) was full support and backing from my DH. We discuss and agree on everything and he has and would never let his kids disrespect me, nor would he ever undermine my parenting.

Whether there are kids in the picture or not - why stay with someone who treats you with such disrespect?