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BM is buying me shirt?

mommadukes2015's picture

BM1 texted SO yesterday asking what size shirt I wear?

She said she is getting shirts for me and her other son's step mother.

Besides wishing she would just spend the money on the children she's neglected for the past year, I started wondering what in God's name this shirt is going to say.

Then I thought-I bet my friends on StepTalk will have some funny ideas.

Please make this whole ordeal less annoying.


mommadukes2015's picture


Why do I live in such a wacked out world?!?!

Family photo anyone?

ESMOD's picture

Maybe she wants to get in on the poster children for step life bandwagon and figures if she gets enough social media buzz it will translate into money????

mommadukes2015's picture

OH hell to the no.

I don't think it would take the internet long to debunk that one given her DWI activity and whorisms.

TwoOfUs's picture


She saw that awful Facebook photo at the girl's soccer game and wants to follow suit. She should get even more likes because she has TWO stepmoms and an even more f****d up (er, I mean "blended") family.

mommadukes2015's picture

What story are you referencing? I must have missed this.

I need to be prepared.

mommadukes2015's picture

What is should say is "permanent sub" since I can't get my sh*t together for more than 5 minutes.

Cover1W's picture

Yeah, I know.
I hate that picture.
The people sending it around my friends group have ZERO NADA ZILCH experience with step-hood.

I have to ignore it.

mommadukes2015's picture

I just found it.

This is NOT our family. BM hasn't seen SS11 in months. She can't seem to find her way up out of the vodka bottle and SS11 has never met the really old guy she's dating.

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Anyone wanna bet she saw that pretty picture of the co-parenting family at soccer and wants to act like that's all you guys?

robin333's picture

Sorry LF. I've been called that too. My t-shirt slogan is unrealistic. BM would never be able to string that many words together so yes, it is your short.

DaizyDuke's picture

Oh fun! You need to buy one for BM now!!! The possibilities are endless!

Baby Mama
Who are these kids and why are they calling me mom?
Drama Mama
Never dreamed I'd grow up to be a shitty mom, but here I am killin it!

Maxwell09's picture

Ten bucks says she saw the picture going around Facebook of the Soccer mom, dad, stepdad and Stepmom all with their backs to the camera with the soccer girl in the middle. All of the parents have the girls number on their jerseys then each had "mom" "stepdad" "dad" "Stepmom"

still learning's picture

Yup, I bet a whole slew of BM's are trying this to get on the bandwagon. I'd seriously hurl if BM tried to dress me.

whoaminow's picture

If BM got me a shirt it would say "white trash" cause that is what she thinks I am. If I got her one it would say "greedy bitch" so we good.

JustAgirl42's picture

BM's would say 'Clueless' with an arrow pointing up to her face.

Mine (from her) would probably say 'Not The Mom', which would be fine with me. Blum 3

zerostepdrama's picture


mommadukes2015's picture


JadeMom's picture

Maybe it's for mother's day?

Most likely a shirt that says step mom on it... And BM hopes you wear it everywhere just to make sure everyone knows that SS didn't come from your uterus, thus making you inferior to the true uterus.

zerostepdrama's picture

If BM got me a t-shirt it would say "Little Bitch" since that is what she calls me.

Acratopotes's picture

I hope the shirt says -

She's not their MOTHER.....

now that would be awesome for public wearing

TwelveLongYrs79's picture

I'm with Stupid? (arrow pointing to her)
I Slept With My Husband and All I Got Was This T-Shirt from His Ex?
If At First You Don't Succeed...He Married Me.