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OT-I had to use my Mommy voice at work today....

mommadukes2015's picture

I had to drop into the mommy octive today in a work meeting. You know the "cut the shiznit", "I've had enough", "this is your only warning" demon mom octive. It was momentary, and we got back to business but sheesh people. 

then I had to follow it up with an email to a team leader about upholding individual rights and professional conduct when speaking to other team members in front of a client's family. 

after 8 months of trying to advocate for people, with only a phone since I'm not allowed out of my office I am soooooo just ugh. that 2020 burn is real. 

why are Tuesdays such taboo? Tell me your work woes. 



JRI's picture

Im retired now but can just imagine what it must be to work remotely.  Im giessing the problem isnt so much the workers doing their jobs but the bosses not confident since they are unable to see them.  Feeling for you all....

mommadukes2015's picture

I worked remotely before the pandemic so that part isn't so bad. The hard part is not being able to physically see my clients because they are high risk. It makes advocating super hard. 

advice.only2's picture

My work woes, well I have been "essential" this whole pandemic which means no time to shelter at home and feel safe. It's pretty much a sh*t show for those of us who must be in the office. Not enough cleaning supplies, cleaning crew cut down to bare bones. Positive cases all around, but we aren't informed because ignorance keeps us compliant. If we get infected well that's on our own time, no help in that area. So yeah I'm over this pandemic. Oh and we have been told if we don't like it then we can either find a new job or quit.

mommadukes2015's picture

That is awful! I'm so sorry that's how they are treating you! That's so wrong. I'm guessing you don't have a union? 

I have had to work thought out this nightmare too but I was home based before the pandemic so other than the fact I've been banned from field work (which makes it really hard to advocate for holspifalized clients or check on their well being) not too much has changed.