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Summer Holiday Altogether

MsMad's picture

I live with my hubby and his daughter (my SD). We have just booked a holiday for the summer, I want to be positive and it to be happy, but am feeling doubtful.

My SD is very clingy to her dad and has him wrapped around her finger. We are not married and I have no children of my own, I have felt left out and alone on previous holidays - she controls them and I get no time with hubby alone.

Just wanted to vent my anxieties - thanks.

MsMad's picture

Thanks all, it's nice to vent Smile

- there isn't other wife, just me, my partner and his daughter. Has anyone done these holidays?

MsMad's picture

SD is nearly 12. I am new to this so learning terms - his DD is daughter? As she does try to be like an equal to him as me, as in the couple thing - treading the line over daughter into partner.

I can see the friend thing definitely. SD wants grandparents to come, and she is quite different with the around - they will highly likely be visiting at least!

Thank you River Smile

surfchica's picture

I stopped going on family vacations after my first one. It was a disaster. Why should I spend my hard earned money to go to some beautiful destination and put up with something that I do everyday....... which is my SD????? Hell to the NO.

MsMad's picture

What does your partner think with you not going on family holidays? I also have a feeling of not wanting to miss out and want the happy family holidays I see my brother and sisters have with their families.

Are you married or have any bio children of your own? (Hope you don't mind me asking).

MsMad's picture

Got a happy holiday moment tonight with denial of taking my things... The joys to come in 4 weeks for our family Ho,s - DH, SD and me. I want to not be the misery who spoils things but will have to see and stay positive.