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SS6 Says I Hate Him

Countrymom's picture

“SS says you hate him”. That is the text that I received from MIL Wednesday night. I ignored at first, but come Thursday morning it was still on my mind, so I responded by asking why she thought that. This, as expected, went into a long text conversation with me explaining why he might think that, (since she didn’t like my response saying that he’s said that about several people, it’s just this time it was me he said it about and she can’t have that!), but for example…maybe because I try to make him mind, be respectful, teach him a little empathy, inform him that when he’s mean other kids aren’t going to like him, etc, and SS6 does not like it! And most other people in his life do not do this, they pretty much let him do what he wants and do not try to teach him how he should behave. I also explained that I do not hate SS, but I do not like his behavior and that is no secret. Then she went on about how I need to love SS like my own and I could if I just allowed myself, that she loves my bio’s like her own grandchildren, blah blah. I ended up just not responding to her last text because I was getting P*****.

But if nothing else came of the conversation with MIL, my DH texted me after he read my texts between MIL and I, that he wanted me to know “that I do appreciate what you do and you have made me a much better parent” and he said “I would hate to even think of what SS would act like if you were never in our lives.” That actually made me cry. I had gotten to the point that I felt like every time that I said something about SS’s behavior or anything, that DH was getting more and more resentful towards me. I’m glad that he recognizes and appreciates how much I have helped him.

After DH and I got home last night we discussed the situation a little bit and he then said he doesn’t want to be in the middle of mine and MIL’s issues. I informed him that he is in the middle because it’s his mother! That I am dealing with all this crap just because I am with him! That if he says anything it should be in support of me and to stand up for me to his mother, not that he doesn’t want to be put in the middle! After thinking about it, he said I was right.

Well, this morning before leaving for work he gave me his phone to read texts he sent his mom last night after I went to bed. He stood up for me, telling her how much I do for him and SS and that I do not hate SS and that I treat him well and there is no way to love a step child the same as a bio in our situation. He told her that he loves my bios but not like SS, even though she claimed otherwise. But something I found funny was that MIL contradicted herself in her texts to him and what she had sent me and DH seen it also, ha!

Anyway, I am happy with DH, he done good! There is a pig roast that we were supposed to go to Saturday night with MIL, FIL, BIL and his GF and all of her family and some friends. I wasn’t looking forward to going before because I just didn’t enjoy myself much last time. But I told DH I wasn’t going now, I do not want to spend my Saturday evening with MIL and her family and friends being uncomfortable. I told him he can go if he wants. He said he wasn’t going without me. I kinda feel bad because he wants to go, but really it’s MIL’s fault that I don't want to go.


Exjuliemccoy's picture

I have to admit, the texting bothered me a bit, too.

Some conversations need to be had face to face, or at least voice to voice.

Still, the DH did take some sort of stand, and actually admitted that his whiny "Dont put meee in the middle" wasn't a valid argument. AND he offered his wife appreciation and validation. He's taking a stand in his own way, and that's something.

Countrymom's picture

LadyFace-You are right, I could go and put on a happy face but she just irritates me so! She is also not the only reason I didn't want to go, she just added to it.

Wicked-You are right, I should not engage with her and I tried, I held out until the next day but it just kept bothering me. I have a hard time keeping quiet and I'm working on that. You are also right about DH, I have been known to accuse him of being a semi-momma's boy. Not so much that it's sickening and I can't handle it, but it is to the annoying level. They work together and see each other and text everyday. And MIL has always been way too involved in his life. DH didn't speak to her for months when he was with BM because she was meddling so much. But I will definitely try harder next time to refrain from engaging in her games. I do still have to give DH credit though, what he did was a step in the right direction and he showed me he can and will try to stand up for me and does appreciate all I do. If it happens again, hopefully he will go even further than just texting. Also, MIL is out of town currently for work and face to face interaction was not possible, not saying he would have, but thought I'd mention that.

Learning to Stepparent's picture

If I didn't know any better I would have thought I had written this.

I have a VERY similar situation. MIL doesn't like me much most of the time because I had the audacity to suggest that SD6's behavior was unacceptable and, furthermore, that SD had some developmental and/or behavioral problems.

She has chewed my butt out via text several different times. DH has always stood up for me though which is huge. As it turned out, I was right. Though we don't know exactly what the issues are we do know for certain there are developmental issues.

I'm not sure if DH really got through to MIL yet, but I haven't gotten a text rant in awhile so I'm hoping. I don't think my MIL does it maliciously necessarily. I don't think she thinks about the things she says or does and thinks the sun shines out SD's butt and strives to always make SD happy. Anyone that questions that is deemed cruel to her perfect, precious granddaughter.

There was an incident last Sunday though. I posted a blog a few weeks ago about how SD wanted to take MIL to the Mother's Day tea party at school rather than me which hurt my feelings. Anyway, SD spent last weekend with MIL and I told her to make sure she sent the book of projects she made for the tea party with her to give to MIL. On Sunday, MIL brought her back and handed me the folder back and said the rest pertained to BM so we needed to make sure to get that to BM. I'll admit, that hurt my feelings. I felt like MIL was rubbing my face in it. She texted DH later to ask if they had done something wrong as I did not seem happy. DH basically told her that I do more for SD than anyone else and I get very little appreciation or recognition for it and that she didn't have to rub my face in the Mother's Day tea party the way she did.

I was very proud of him for standing up for me like that. We haven't heard from MIL since Sunday evening which is unusual. Hopefully that means she is thinking about it and not stewing only to explode later.

Exjuliemccoy's picture

This is the type of steplife crap that really chafes my bottom.

Meddling relatives (usually female) jockeying for territory, interfering, and trying to run their own agenda - all this does is further dilute the already diluted post-divorce parenting. The OP has introduced a positive influence to her SS's life. She's actually parenting and being consistent, her DH is on board...Of course the child isn't thrilled. Cue MIL taking up her sword to vanquish the wicked SM. It's all about territory instead of the best interests of the child.

OP, the key to you succeeding is your DH. As long as he continues to step up, back you up, and limit his mommy's pernicious influence, that skid and your family unit have a shot at success. My fingers are crossed for you.

Countrymom's picture

You are right, a lot is dependent upon DH doing what he needs to do. And Thank you!

Countrymom's picture

Lol! I would love to say something along those lines, but unfortunately I know it's probably not in our best interest. I've been lurking for awhile and I always love your posts, Sally!!

vnndaily's picture

Try! Smile Smile Smile