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Am I a Paranoid GM with my gd and sd cuddly behavior?

GR62's picture

My d married her h when my gds were 5 and 6. Now they are 15 and 14 years of age. My 14 y.o. gd has always been an extremely clingy and touchy girl to the point that several men friends brought this to my d's attention, including a teacher who told my d that my gd needed help with this issue. The teacher's incident which involved my gd hugging him from behind and rubbing his abdomen in a very soft manner, led my d and sd to speak with gd in a stern way about personal space and appropriate/inappropriate touching. This talk, in my eyes, did not change my gd's behavior. My husband and I observed how she would cuddle with her sd on the couch with a blanket over their bodies and she would massage his thighs. I told my d that her h was the adult and that he should not participate in this type of behavior and, instead, tell sd that this was totally inappropriate. I do not live with my d and only visit once a year. During this visit we observed that the behavior continues. These past days we notice gd (14 y.o.) and sf get in bed and stay there for hours cuddling with covers on and even playing games on TV. I told my daughter that this was inappropriate behavior and she said there was nothing wrong with this and that my gd was just a loving girl. She said i needed to leave my paranoia and dirty mind outside of the house.

Teas83's picture

".....she would cuddle with her sd on the couch with a blanket over their bodies and she would massage his thighs."

^^^This is stomach-turning. No, it is not appropriate for a 14-year-old girl to be physically affectionate with her step father, or any man for that matter, in this way.

mannin's picture


Your daughter is ridiculous. There is NOTHING normal about any teenaged girl laying in bed with any parental figure in the way you have described. Your daughter is a lazy parent and is in denial.

You are spot on to be concerned. My SS hugged me one time and tried sticking his hand in my shirt - I slapped him like I would any asshole trying to cop a feel. I ended that behavior then and there. My DH thought it was harmless until our "come to Jesus" talk. My SS still violates people's space, but not mine and my son's.

I can't even imagine what could happen if your GD is "cuddly" to the wrong person. I'm disgusted by the SF - he's missing some common sense screws. Wow.