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What every stepmom wishes her husband knew

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

Damn after poking around on fb I found a site about mini wife syndrome n came across this incredible article. Lots of reading for me lately n it's wonderful.

Fathers need to show their wives true love n compassion so they are showing their daughters how a man loves a woman. So simple

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

I was wondering if what I have in my life is just a narcassist but I think I have a bit of mini wife is well. Mini wife sounds so incestual ~ but I am dealing with a few of those traits.

Easylikesundaymornin's picture

It's on YouTube now !!!

Thank you for mariejeanne !!!

I just read the article today ~ thank goodness you are computer savvy Smile

Rags's picture

Great article. My bride and I stumbled into this same methodology though she is the one who brought the spawn to our relationship and the toxic X and his clan.

I have a toxic XW but we did not spawn so my baggage has been far less of a burden on our marriage.

Success is really about making each other the priority in the marriage and being a team.

At least for us that has been the case.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

OMG! How do I get DH to read this without causing a huge fight, is my next question! Love it!