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...they lie...lie...and lie some more... and he won't listen!

jessnelvis's picture

I married a wonderful man on December 12, 2009. He has two daughters, 12 and 15. I have learned, however, that they lie ALL THE TIME. Their mother lies. The girls constantly get upset because their mother promises this and that and never does what she promises. I've told the girls that I will never intentionally lie to them, and I won't tell them what they want to hear if I know it's not the truth. I don't want to make promises I can't keep. I have been around and around with our 15 year old because she will lie to your face and you know she's lying. She gets into trouble all the time. Now her younger sister has come to live with us, and I am realizing that she, too, lies a lot more than her daddy wants to realize. They all say I've changed since my husband and I got married. I've told my husband that yes, I have changed because when I was just his "girlfriend," I was not living in his home all the time and i was not their "step-mother." Now that I am married to my husband, that makes me somewhat responsible for the girls and what happens to them while they live under our roof... so yes, I have changed. I voice my opinion more, and I have realized that he has no concept of discipline. He threatens and threatens but never does. It's to the point where, about a month ago, our 15 year old brought home a horrible report card. Her daddy had told her to bring her grades up the semester prior, and she didn't do it. Her daddy told her then that she would start losing things if she didn't bring them up... and she didn't. He has never wanted to take her cell phone away from her, but I have fussed and fussed and told him over and over that's what he needs to do because that is what is most important to her and it will get her attention. He's never taken it, and still hasn't to this day... but I did. I took the phone and I didn't give it back for about 3 weeks. He kept telling me that she deserved to have it back because she'd been washing the dishes and stuff. I'm sorry, but that's not going to get the phone back. She lost it for bad grades. She gets it back when she fixes the problem. I gave it back to her after about 3 weeks, and told her that the good grades needed to continue... BUT it's to the point where he won't discipline at all, and I WILL NOT let them run wild, break rules, or lie to me. My husband and I now fuss all the time about the girls. I know they don't like me. I don't care. They can hate me if they want to, but if discipline and rules keep them from making mistakes they will regret on down the road, then let them hate me all they want. I haven't even been married 3 months yet, and I already hate my step-children. I hate the fact that people look at how bratty, rude, disprespectful, wasteful, and dishonest they are and think that I don't disipline my children. What I do reflects on them. What they do reflects on me. What am I supposed to do?! Their dad just doesn't get it, and he gets mad when I try to tell him how to effectively parent and discipline because I am "telling him what to do." I hate them! What am I supposed to do?!

suzieQ's picture

Jessnelvis, your story could just have easily been written by me, as I am going through exactly the same thing. My problem is a stepson, however. I have been in his life 9 years, and have slowly watched him get worse and worse, and not from my lack of trying, but for his fathers' lack of support and letting him get away with things like they are no big deal. I truly dislike him, and he dislikes me. He will be 18 in a year and has told us he will be leaving (to where he has no idea). I hope he does before I end up on Prozac.....

suzieQ's picture

I don't really feel that's what it is, but who knows. With my stepson, it's not just habitual lying, he also feels no remorse or guilt for anything he does, has no empathy for anyone at all, is not considerate of anyone, and is just generally unpleasant to be around. We had him in therapy for a year, and even the Dr. was stumped, as my SS was convinced he was there for no reason because he was OK with how he was and didn't see why he needed to "change".

Constantly_guilty's picture

Jessnelvis, you are still at a very early stage of your marriage where it is not too late to turn things around. You need to ask your DH for a parenting contract. Tell him that you came into the marriage with expectations about how his children would behave and would be raised and he is not the man you believed him to be in that regard (use strong language, he's telling you that you've changed, show him what you think of him too, don't be afraid). Tell him that for you to live in a house with these children you have a right to the expectation of a certain standard of behavior and the enforcement of appropriate consequences when that behavior is demonstrated. Tell him that in successful marriages parents agree on how the children will be expected to behave and SUPPORT each other when those expectations are not met by backing the consequences that each partner delivers.

Spell out item by item the things that need to change:

1) Cover the lying
2) Cover issues related to attitude and treatment of others
3) Cover grades and school performance
4) Cover household chores
5) List the consequences for violating each of the above items
6) Ask for his help in developing the contract and then ask that both of you sign it along with the children.

Then everyone in the house knows what's expected and what is coming if those expectations are met.

Milomom's picture

CG - great advice!! I'll even try this myself (see below for my reply to Jessnelvis' post). Thank you!!

Jenner3's picture

Again I empathize. Hard when you have diff parenting styles. I parent my daughter waaaaaay diff then my b/f parents his kids. I think sticking to your guns and being true to tourself is always the only way to go. It may be costly in the short term but those kids will remember later on that you were the constant and you said what you meant. That goes a long way especially if they are raised without boundaries or proper discipline. It's hard though, Im in the same place Im just not married to him. You have to compromise a lot when you get into these types of relationships.

hooliejulie71's picture

I am on this path too.

One thing I have learned is no matter what your intentions are, some kids can't understand them. My stepdaughter is out of control and I worry about her constantly. She won't listen to reason. So I have come to the point where you have to step back, no matter how painful the consequences are. She will have to attend the "school of hard knocks" in order to learn that bad behavior and lying have no rewards in the real world, i.e. daddy can't stop your boss from firing you!!

I hate to sound heartless... BUT's sad to watch a kid self-destruct, but you need to keep your own sanity. My BF was angry at my constructive criticism of my SD. In my case, I have other children to nurture and I can't be angry and take care of them too. I can't be a good partner if my BF is pissed at me all the time either. So I "sneak" in suggestions when he vents about SD to me. He seems to take it better that way. I try to be supportive but neutral. (It's a fine line to walk, but I try)

dalhia's picture

hooliejulie, im in the exact same boat. i decided that hitting my head against the wall toe "save" DS12 was going to drive me crazy and i was not being a good mom to my happy little BS10 and i was becoming a bitter wife to my DH. it is not easy to see a child that lives in your house 100% of the time that is making wrong decisions every day, that is headed in not great directions and have to look the other way. i think this is the hardest things i have ever done (apart from quitting smoking Lol but it is absolutely necessary for my family's sanity.
i decided that for hte last 6-7 years i have shown her good values, talked ot her for hours and hours about respect, love, honesty, can imagine and htat all i can do is to offer her a home where there is love between the parents ( a solid marriage) a clean house, organized, and well kept, a place where the values are clear. the rest it will have to be her own choices

Milomom's picture

Jessnelvis...WOW. What you wrote easily could've been written by me. You're living my life, except that BF & I aren't married yet (dating for 6 yrs, living together for the last 2).

SD15 is exactly like yours - she manipulates BF, she lies, she just tells him what she's doing (instead of asking his permission), she hasn't done some of the things yours has done but has done others. She is mini-me of BM - a liar, manipulator, thinks that getting attention from boys by dressing like a slut for school & parties means that it's a GOOD thing, etc... I just posted about this a couple of weeks ago, but I absolutely cannot stand the whole lack of discipline & lack of consequences thing. Enough is enough with these divorced dads!! What are they thinking?

For example, here, SD15 failed math all of last year in 9th grade. Every report card she kept promising BF she'd do better, study more, do her work, go for extra help. From the beginning of the school year, I offered to her & to BF & BM that I'd tutor her, FOR FREE (I have a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics!!!!). They never took me up on the offer...

Every report card the teacher's comments said things like "student working below her ability level." or "student not doing homework assigned" or "erratic test scores" or whatever. Every report card he kept threatening to ground her, to take her cell phone away, etc... BF NEVER DID ANYTHING TO PUNISH HER. BF told SD15 that if she failed math for the year, she'd be grounded for the summer & she'd have to go to summer school. SD15 got a 65 (I'm sure the teacher just "pushed" her through, if you know what I mean) - she literally passed by the skin of her nose - and this was "acceptable" to BF & he did NOTHING about it. AHHHHH!!!! Oh, any by the way, BF keeps telling me he's going to give her chores to do - still hasn't...

So now SD15 is in 10th grade, but only now this year she's not only failing math but she's ALSO failing science, too!! Every report card it's the same crap - the teacher's comments say "student not completing required work/labs" or "student is in danger of not being eligible to sit for Regents exam" or "student working below actual ability level" - HELLO?!? THE TEACHER IS LITERALLY TELLING YOU YOUR DAUGHTER NEEDS HELP, IS BEING LAZY, IS NOT STUDYING, IS IN DANGER OF SERIOUS CONSEQUENCES...and BF just says to SD15 "Promise me you'll do better next quarter, or I'm going to turn your cell phone off." I just slap my forehead like "DOPE" (picture the way Homer Simpson just says "DOPE").

When I try to talk to BF about this, he gets VERY, VERY defensive: "Stop telling me what to do and how I should raise MY DAUGHTER. I have it all under control. Don't worry about her - she's my problem to deal with, not yours." Basically a "mind your own business" type of attitude. I try to lovingly tell him that SD15 is headed on a course straight for disaster, but he doesn't listen. It's like his head is literally buried in the sand.

Oh, and by the way, BM is no help whatsoever when it comes to school & bad behavior. As a matter of fact, she encourages it. She probably thinks being SD15's best friend & being "cool" is most important. BM was an unwed mother herself at 17 & didn't even graduate from high school. She was "damsel in distress" when BF met her...and she was dependent on him (intentionally) ever since. She uses people like it's no big deal, still thinks she can live off of BF's child support, barely ever works, is on the "slutty" side (to put it mildly), encourages SD15 to dress like a tramp, wear dark black heavy makeup, shirts with cleavage hanging out, encourages SD15 to get tattoos, body piercings, is into witchcraft, wicca...all of this abnormal crap.

I've disengaged, as hard as it was for me I had no other choice. Other than to leave BF & end my relationship with him over it. I refuse to give SD15 control or adult status, with that or with anything else in my life. I feel like I'm watching a train wreck just waiting to happen...and I'm standing back and letting her learn from her mistakes. I won't lie, it's really hard, because I see potential in SD15, but her BM's school of "sit back & be lazy & let other people take care of you - no need to work" is winning out.

Milomom believes strongly in the "School of hard knocks" with a major in "tough love". Sorry I know I sound harsh and not loving, but I'm not.

suzieQ's picture

Milomom, jessnelvis,hooliejulie71, Wow! I can't believe there are so many of you out there like me! Here I was feeling so alone and quilty for how I felt about my SS! I too have realized that to save my sanity I am going to have to disengage, step back, and let him fall. I think that is the only way he and his father are going to see that everything I have been trying to do was not me just "nagging him about everything". It is really hard though, I am finding out, to see something going on and not say anything. It's not in my nature to be that way, but I am not going to let this affect my relationship with my husband anymore than it already has. I'm sure my SS would love to see me leave, but it's not happening. He'll be 18 in a year, so deep down I am hoping HE'LL be the one that leaves......! He says he wants to anyway.

mel81280's picture

Do you think he will really leave tho? That's what I'm worried about. My husband has always said "when he turns 18 we wont have to deal with it" but now he says "you know I cant just put him on the road" so I don't know whats gonna happen but I feel like when the time comes if he's not out, then I will be. But I LOVE my husband and don't want to leave him but I dont know if I will be able to take anymore! He has a year and a half before he turns 18. He told his sister that he was thinking of moving out. I wish he would. I hate him and that bothers me so bad to even say that. I don't want to feel this way! I feel like a horrible SM because of it now.

suzieQ's picture

I know how you feel; I don't want to feel that way either, but I do. There are days when I really try and give it an honest go, as far as trying to relate to him and like him, but it doesn't happen and I just feel fake. You aren't a horrible SM for how you feel, anymore than I am. And no, I don't know for sure if SS will leave when he is 18; and if he doesn't, what I'll do. I'm still thinking that one through.