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guiltystepmom's picture


So last w/e sd16 came over for my bkid's bday party. Again, she came with nothing.

This girl works 20 hrs a week and cant even buy a card for her little brother?

She did it for xmas, she did it for her dad's bday. Dont get me wrong i dont want any presents but just a thought, no???

On fb, she posted a pic of 7 gifts for xmas and she wrote it was for her brother and sister, from her moms side.

Also, she told me she doesnt wear the necklace her dad bought for her for her bday cause "I only wear gold"! Of ive said we r considered very cheap.

Her dad told me to not have her over anymore, cause he noticed shes a fake with our bios.

I think its really the end...dh doesnt wanna pick her up anymore, he says shes old enough to take a taxi if she wants to visit. She lives 60 miles away.

Shuld i put a cross on it...??? No appreciation, none!

Orange County Ca's picture

I had a stuck up step daughter like that. Only the best would do. She would marry rich she said and have a wedding planner take care of everything. None of this running around like her sister was doing at the time.

Eventually I just stopped buying her gifts and when she saw that she didn't buy for me anymore either. Both of us are happy with that arrangement. Follow Daddies lead - in the end it is his kid.

PS: My step never married, no guy was ever good (or rich) enough I guess. LOL Or she's a closet lesbian that thought has crossed the minds of more than a few.