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school vacation is upon us

Calypso1977's picture

BM gets this week, we get April. Not that we ever take her.

SD14 calls up my fiancé yesterday. Says to him "can you take a day off from work this week to spend with me?". Awww, touching, right?

So after they hang up and he tells me this, I say "she must want something". He didn't comment.

Later I brought it up again (I had to!!). I said "are SD and BM looking to do something on your weekend and they hope that by you taking her a day this week you wont want her this weekend?". He said no, but then goes on to say that SD was hoping to try to get together with her cousin this week.

So, I was right! she doesn't want a day to spend with him, she wants him to play taxi to take her to her cousins. I said it was obviously up to him, but that he could arrange for the two of them to get together without him taking a day off (her cousin's father doesn't work in the wintertime, except on weekends - long story).

god this kid makes me want to puke.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Gotta love when they pull this stuff! These days, whenever HHB calls DH, the first words out of my mouth are "what does she want"! Why? because she won't so much as return a call or respond to a text any other time! But if she wants something? Yup, calls daddy all sweet like! Selfish brats!

No saint's picture

And your fiancé agreed to being her taxi??? God, how delusional can a parent get???

Disneyfan's picture

Since he doesn't take her for his week in April, playing taxi for day this week shouldn't be a big deal.

Calypso1977's picture

the reason he doesnt take her for April vacation is she refuses to come and no one forces her.

and remember - in this scenario, my fiance is the only one who works/has a responsibility. The two kids have no school, the uncle doesnt work, and BM doesnt work. I dont understand why BM cant just drive her to her cousin's house (which if SD asked her to, she would - she does ANYTHING for that girl) and then my fiance can pick her up after work.

but again, what irritates me more is the manipulation. "Take a day to spend with me" was really not what it meant at all. Part of me wishes he called her on it and said "sure, ill take a day off to spend with you, just us" and then actually did something with her. But of course deep down he knows she doesnt want that.