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New here and I think my Hubbys ex is the spawn of satan!

thatchick's picture

Okay well I really don't know where to start....I met my husband as he was going through a divorce they had just split up and we were not ready for anything serious as I was in the same situation.....Well he came out to visit and we hit it off and he was great with my 8 year old daughter......I was very excited to meet his 6 year old daughter I had chatted to her on webcams a few times and made silly faces and etc... and she would tell me how ready she is for me to come out.....well I ended up getting pregnant with twins and I moved all the way out to Texas and shortly after moving I lost the babies.....The first few weeks that I was here was fine of course satan(the ex) had to meet me before I could be around the kid and she met me and all was fine.....Then she started to try and control things like when and where we could see the child and the child needed to be home by this time fed and bathed and etc... to the point we were canceling plans just to get to see the child or cutting things short to have her home on time.....satan had her on add medication that didn't work out for her cause she was always sleepy and tired every time we got in the car she fell asleep or you could be holding a conversation with her and she fell asleep.....I am a RN and I told my husband that is not normally that the dosage is wrong because its dropping her blood pressure the reason she is tired all the time.....So he went to the dr and stated his concerns and the dr took her off the meds.....and wow satan went nuts she said the SD had to have the meds to function in school or she would fail went loony......Well come to find out the child did great in school without meds shes just very hyper child and the mom doesn't want to do with it so 2 drs had denied her meds and she find another one that would give them back to the kid was back on meds.....well then became time for the divorce decree and all this good stuff.....they were just going to file everything themselves in the beginning and she had agreed to not wanting any of his retirement (he is in the army) probably because she cheated on him every single deployment and got pregnant by another man when he was gone......but anyways after the medicine thing we got a notice saying there was a temporary hearing for custody the next week so we ran and hired a lawyer she wanted full custody cause she said he was denying her meds......well they went to court and the judge ordered the same visitation that they had.... Thursdays and 1st 3rd and 5th weekend until divorce was our attorneys knew that we wanted split custody 50/50 and neither party pay child support and our attorneys never even tried they simply said oh the judge will say no cause your in the army but we will get you extended visitation.....which should of been DS comes to our house on Thursday at 3pm and stays the night and we take her to school Friday and pick her up from school Friday and then spends the weekend with us on our weekends......if it is not our weekend we got her from 3pm Thursday until school starts Friday morning so she got to stay over night.....but satan gave the judge a line of bs that SD had ADD and needs a regular routine and that isn't good for her (DS sleeps at her moms works several nights a week and was sleeping on the floor at her boyfriends house and satan says she is in bed by 8 but we have several voice mails and picture messages where she allowed her to call at around 9-10 at night) Okay so we lost that we are allowed to get on after school on Thursdays and have her home by 8 on Thursday the order it stated that we would pick her up from school and satan would pick her up for our house......or if she was at satans we would pick her up there and when time to go home satan would pick her up that way transportation was split.....this bitch is soooo unreal that she will not even agree today she was the child picked up at her house and dropped off at her house every single time.....the other day she said can you please go pick her up from my work and hubby was going to do it.....I said oh hell no your not she wants it her house so she better get her butt home cause thats where the kid is being dropped off at. Well she made it there but was all crappy about it saying she was at work and blah blah blah....okay well I am sorry you are the only that wouldn't give a inch for transportation and we are going by what you requested it would be against the decree for us to pick her up any place other then your house.....well the kid never wants to come she kicks and screams and you literally have to throw her in the car but she is normally okay when she gets to our house and her and my daughter start playing together.......but then when it comes to me she asks me to fix her hair I fix her hair but its not as good as mommy does it.....she always comes with a bag full of like 5-8 different medications that she is taking (I am a RN I see no symptoms on this child to be taking the medications her mom has her on) well one medication was eye drops and she didn't want to do them because she said they burn like crazy when mommy does I told her I know a way to put them in to where they will not burn just let me do I put the drops IN her eyes where they go and didn't burn a bit.....she said mommy puts them on the outside of her eyes and it burns her skin (durrr its not made for skin its made for eyes) so I said well see there I showed you a trick how to put them in so they don't burn anymore.....maybe you can tell mommy that trick when your home so she can do it that way and it won't hurt....she says well my mommy does it better I don't care if it hurts....I brushed it off but then I made a turkey and dressing and all the fixings and she cleared her plate and said the food was yummy but her mommy and her other daddy cooks better......with my husband she continues tells him that she doesn't care about him which ticks me off because I know it hurts him.....she has started hitting my daughter which is a big no no I have a no hitting policy in my husband is in the army and he has been deployed most of his daughters life he knows that and I know that I know that shes going to be more attached to her mom but he couldn't help it he was following orders but he is here not and wants everything possible to do with his child.....satan has some other man and his 3 kids living in my husbands house and has my SD calling that guy daddy too......I am at the point I feel like she doesn't like it here she doesn't want to come here I feel like i don't want her to come here because she continues to say hurtful things to my husband and she has started being mean to my child....I feel like I hate her and I am beating myself up about it but every time she comes over she makes my husband sad with the things she says to him......he had thought about signing his rights over before not because he is a dead beat dad but on one of his deployments she was cheating on him and living with another guy and when my hubby came back my sd had no clue who he was thought the other guy was her daddy but satan had talked him into working on their marriage so they got back together she financially ruined him she was always late on the mortgage bounced checks didn't pay car payments you name it she did it.....he has to pay $900 a month in child support for 1 child....I totally agree he needs to support his daughter but the kid never has nice clothes we get past due notices from the mortgage payment and her car and credit cards all the time she works as a LPN has another army guy living with her and $900 a month in child support but she can't buy the kids clothes or pay bills......then my husband goes to her house to pick sd up and the mom wasn't there it was her boyfriend well they have a 2 car drive way and theres street parking so he parked right behind one of their hubby and daughter are walking to get into the truck.....the bf yells out if you don't move out the way I am going to ram your truck and sue you for like hmmm considering that his girl friends daughter was in that truck he is threatening to hurt her too......oh then the big thing is she told him before she never wanted his retirement but now she is saying she does and the court has to order it to her if she asks for it.....she was a lying cheating wife and not supportive at all but she gets his retirement.....he said he wouldn't mind paying her retirement if she had been a ideal wife but she wasn't close to now we pay a ungodly amount of child support for 1 child and if he dies his life insurance has to go to pay off child support debt before anything I think he has like 200k and we calculated she would get 188k so that leaves me and whatever kids we have 12k to pay off debts and funeral expenses so I am like damn she fucks me either way if your dead or I am at the point i want to tell him its me or his kid because the kid and her mom is the cause of every argument that we get into....when she was not around (when he was in a different city) there was no issues but she has to control everything.....ohhhh another story I know this is super long but I just spent 2 hours crying about this husbands parents come to visit and it isn't our weekend with the DS but the mom says she would drop the kid off at his parents hotel so she can visit so she did and the first night we all had dinner together us and his parents and SD and my daughter then his parents take sd back to the hotel for her mom to pick up and she agrees she would bring her back the next the next day we planned to go to his parents hotel and allow the kids to swim and then go to dinner....well his parents say satan brought the kid over but we can't see her anymore if we come have dinner with yall or allow yall to come to the room.....we were like what? they said yea she said that its not your visitation time so we can't take your daughter around you.....ohhh man I was sooo pissed but that was her way of controlling his parents too and I understand why they went by her rules they live in cali and never get to see the it ruined the visit with his family too....valentines day the Friday our community center was having a daddy daughter dance it was not our weekend but it was only 2 hours so we asked if we could please have her so that my hubby could take her to the dance in which we were denied.....but yet she scheduled her bfs son bday party on our weekend and when we didn't all sd to go to the party she went ape shit....I told her when she learns to give a little she will learn to get a little.....but she can continuously use my sd as a game piece to play my husband and his parents and siblings and most of them play along because they want to be able to see her.....I told my husband that I refuse to play her game and if he continues to play her game I am done I am at my wits end satan had surgery the other day and I prayed that she would die or be a veggie so that we get the child....I have NEVER wished anyone dead I have been a rape victim and don't even wish him dead!

skylarksms's picture

Thatchick - I didn't read your entire post, but I would advise putting your story into paragraphs. It gets a little tiring on the eyes to see one huge blob of typing.

hismineandours's picture

I did read it-theres alot of PAS going on with this kid. And the bm is a manipulative bitch for sure. I cant believe your man's parents told you that you couldnt see his own kid though. Ridiculous. Its not like theres some sort of law against it-as long as everyone gives in to her demands she will continue to make them