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Newbie Introduction - Do you have an escape plan?

beyond_fed_up's picture

Good morning! Glad I found this site, I need a place to vent and get advice. First, I'm a working mom. My daughter is 16. I've been with my husband about 7 yrs and have SS14 & SS12. The kids get along pretty well, they're at the age where they're all busy and my daughter isn't around most weekends since she's with her dad or holed up in her room. I get along with SS14 very well. He's a smart kid, nice, funny, engaging.

This reason why I'm here is b/c of SS12. He is a terror. In the past year he's started stealing, vandalizing, and become a chronic liar. He has ADD and is defiant. Everything I tell him to do, be it let the dog out, or keep her out, to picking up his mess, is an argument. He flat out refuses to do what I say and on the rare occasion he does follow up on my request it's not without glaring, hatred, and more reasons why he is right. He fights dirty with his brother, often leaving him bruised or scratched or with a black eye from out of nowhere. Yes, his brother fights back, but SS12 is often the one to start it. He genuinely feels that he is right. If his work (homework, housework, etc) needs corrected he takes it intensely personal and as an attack on his intelligence or character. When he gets ready for school in the morning he takes 30-40 minutes to eat breakfast, often starting fights with his brother. Then he very slowly gets ready while screwing around and every morning my husband is screaming at him to finish up b/c they're late. My husband needs to get up earlier so that he can stay on top of this kid, but he rarely does. My husband also has ADD. I'm f*cked.

DH is also defiant when it comes to SS12. He feels that he needs lots of love and attention. SS's mom is also remarried and in a bad relationship as well. Things are not well at that home either. I get the need for love and attention, but the disrespect and arguing that comes from him is creating a rift in my marriage that is getting more and more difficult each day SS12 is here. I do not like this kid at all, I absolutely hate spending time with him.

Did I know what I was getting into? Yes. We were engaged for awhile and lived together before we were married. I taught SS12 how to tie his shoes, I have known him since he was 5. He once told me that he liked me more than his mom. We were buddies at one time and I really loved him. But this past 2 years have really changed. He's a totally different kid. If I was told that he killed a pet I would not be surprised. If you told me he did something really bad, like set his house on fire, I would not be shocked. There's something in him that is not right. There is no sense of remorse when he does bad things (steal $1,000, damages a classmates property, steals from a friend, etc). When he does these things his mother will take away his iphone but replaces it with a regular phone that still has games and texting on it. He's only "grounded" for a week, is still allowed sleepovers, gets to do all the regular fun things. There essentially is no punishment. For my husband's part, he punishes him, but still takes him to do fun things like hunting, sporting events, etc. It's very mild punishment. If my daughter stole $1K, she'd have to repay it, lose her phone for a month along with everything else. With a lack of remorse or punishment, he continues his behavior.

He is in therapy, but mom keeps cancelling the apts and so he's only going 2x a month now. I feel he should go weekly. At his last apt he blamed all of his behavior on me, saying that I am not fair and I make him do all the chores. First off, I am queen of fair. It was my #1 goal as a SM (and a lifelong SD) to be fair. SS14 & DD both feel that I am fair. Second, SS12 always has an excuse for not doing his chores and usually is "too sick" to do them.

I'm fed up. I'm not in a financial position to leave but the weight of being unhappy 50% of my week because of a kid is getting too heavy. I'm considering leaving when my daughter graduates from high school. We have a nice home, are connected with our neighbors, and live in a great school district. I've been sticking around solely for her.

Is anyone else considering a similar outcome for themselves?
Do any of you have a similar experience with a kid - known them for a long time & things changed? How are you handling it? I came clean with my husband this morning and told him that I do not want to spend time with this child while things are so difficult with him. I feel that things can work, but he needs to man up and discipline this kid and keep on top of him so he stays in line. He's lazy about it, acts as though his kids won't love him if he isn't Disney Dad all the time, which is B.S.

notasm3's picture

He sounds like a kid that needs a tough dose of boot camp. A tough father would be better but you don't have one of those in your home.

An escape hatch is a valuable asset even in a great marriage. I adore my DH, and love our life. But part of why I can be pretty rigid about not having SS30 in my life is that I know that I am not caught in a position where I have to accept the unacceptable.

beyond_fed_up's picture

No, SS12 has not been physical with DD16 - or, if he has it was just a sibling squabble and she defended herself. SS12 is not allowed to be in the house alone (2 yrs ago he lit an entire box of matches in my kitchen when DD was in charge.) Since then, I have not trusted him to be home alone and after everything else he's done in the past year my level of trust has dropped. The fighting with his brother primarily occurs at BM house, unsupervised. We have a lot of issues with how they are raised at her house. DH is reluctant to piss her off because her husband is very wealthy and so is her parents (they paid for her divorce). She has financial backing to sustain a fight and we do not. Also, I don't want to spend my money on it. I suppose that's bad of me. I get along very well with my ex, if I need something I ask and he makes it happen. He's not the best dad, but he's a pretty good ex-husband. I've made it clear to SS14 that I'm here for him and he's welcome over whenever, and I think once he gets into high school and has a car he will be at our house a lot more. He's often left to look after SS12, which is not a good situation.

beyond_fed_up's picture

Good advice, but I'm not at that bad in debt, credit score is in the mid-upper 700s last I checked. I work in an industry that is having a difficult time right now so saving up for potential layoff has been a high priority for me lately. We have separate accounts - learned the importance of that from 1st marriage. Unfortunately, with my first marriage I bought my home based only on my salary - that's not the case now, I could not afford to keep my home, but really wouldn't want or need a 5 bedroom house if it were just my daughter & I.

ldvilen's picture

“Do any of you have a similar experience with a kid - known them for a long time & things changed?” Probably about 90% of us here have and that is why many of us are here. I’ve never brought that argument: Didn’t you know what you were getting into when you married him? I’ve never bought it because none of us can predict the future. No one goes into a marriage expecting a divorce, and no one goes into a marriage expecting SKs (or their own children, for that matter) to go from accepting sweet angel one year to over-the-top devil the next.

The one thing parents and children have by blood that step-parents do not is unconditional love. Step-parents are not inclined to have it for SKs and SKs are not inclined to have it for step-parents. When you have a challenge like this SK, this is where the bio-parents really need to step up to the plate, and if they do not, it is not your burden to carry, no ifs, ands or buts. I think you are already at an advantage, because it appears you have put a lot of thought into this.

Have you thought about getting counseling for yourself to explore more options? How committed are you to your DH? There is disengagement, and it appears you have already made some steps toward that, telling your DH you don’t want to be around this kid while he is being so difficult, and you shouldn’t have to. You don’t need to feel any guilt for that at all. Keep thinking things through and being level-headed and exploring your options.

This SK is only 12, but it appears he has already picked up on how easy it is to make the step-parent the scapegoat. Only let him manipulate you so far. Unfortunately, it will be easier to him to manipulate his parents—they have the blinders on that come with being a bio-parent. Sometimes that is good, but in this case that is bad. Yes, at some point you may need to put your exit plan into action, especially if DH and BM start acting like you are the one with the problem vs. potentially sociopathic SK.

beyond_fed_up's picture

Good question, yes, I have sought out counseling. And if you've ever been then you know how stressful and scary it can be to open up to a stranger. We've been as a couple, which did not work out that well - seems we wait until things are beyond repair. I've been solo and my last therapist, which I thought I liked, told me I was fine and right and that I didn't need to come back unless I wanted to chat...I haven't had the energy to start over again with a new therapist. I think I'm right too, but I need help in dealing with it and how to deal with these people! LOL

So, yes, I should go back. But as I posted to another person, my financial situation is iffy - my industry is going through hard times. Our insurance just started over again so we have a very large deductible to meet before insurance will pay. So I can't add more debt right now. Therapy will have to wait.

beyond_fed_up's picture

LOL. Thankfully, DD is usually with her dad on the weekends so her interaction with SK is only a couple evenings a week. Even then, she's usually holed up in her room or has headphones on. My solution has been to limit what family things we do together - we used to go ski once a year but I've stopped that. Also, we own a boat and this summer I decided to stop joining. When we have the boys I hang out in my room quite a bit reading or watching TV. I bought myself the TV after a fight with DH b/c he felt that since the boys are only here 50% they should get the TV when they're here - yes, he actually said that.

In fact, Saturday night we had a fight b/c SKs were watching movie in basement with surround sound on, which is very very loud in our room. I asked him to have him turn the surround sound off and just use TV audio. It was a good compromise - I don't have surround sound in my room. It's not a big deal for them to watch TV in the same manner that I am. He felt that was a crime in movie watching and that for them to get the full effect of the movie they needed surround sound on. FML! I told him to go watch TV with them and leave me in peace. He finally did. It is exhausting. I'm sure most of you are in the same boat.