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Always anxious.....

inneedofanswers's picture

SS almost 14 has just come back from the school holidays with his Mum.... its only been a few days but already I cant wait for him to go away again.

We have only had custody of SS for 2 1/2 years. Basically BM wanted to move 8 hrs away and DH said if you go you go alone......... finally she agreed to let him come live with us......

Now its not that he's a bad kid.......... I would just prefer he didn't live with us.....

I get frustrated with his mess, failure to look after his pets and do the things he is meant to...... he doesn't appreciate that we have spent so much money on him (moved towns so he could go to a better school (mortgage debt), guitar lessons, got everything he needs)..... I think most of all its just the fact that he is here............

I simply don't have the DNA to be a step parent.

I know I sound really selfish............. I have tried to relax and get over myself but I just don't seem to be able to........ we went to some councilling but DH out a stop to that when councilor told him he has a drinking problem.....

It's tough because there is no way he can go and live with his mother and turn out to be a half decent citizen....... this is a mother who thinks its appropriate for a 10 year old to watch R18 movies and play R18 video games, has no rules, lets him do whatever he wants whenever he is with her.

I don't know how to turn this around so that I can be happy......

wicked's picture

I would strongly encourage you to continue counseling, on your own if DH won't go, or find a different one that DH can tolerate. It sounds like you don't have any bio children, so that's got to be a challenge for you. The reality is that most kids don't appreciate what their parents do for them until much later in life. Try to concentrate on supporting DH to be the best dad he can be, and try to disengage from the stuff that annoys you. Do you work outside the home? If not, maybe you just need to get out/away more. But counseling can help a lot with sorting all that stuff out. Good luck!!