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Stepmom alienating my kids

Inspiredmom's picture

Ok so help me out here - 

I have three kids all adults with my ex. He remarried a woman who has had a propensity for taking her exes to the 'cleaners' financially no matter how short or long the marriage was . I left my ex so she is no issue for me personally but at my daughters wedding (before they were even married) she attacked me physically and was asked to leave by my ex and my kids. She attacked me because I said how grateful I was in my speech that even though our marriage hadn't worked for us that we got this amazing daughter and that I would not have had her without that relationship and thanked him for being a fantastic father . I then shook his hand- not hugged or  got into his space but respectfully shook his hand . After that I accepted her half assed apology and let it go... She blocked my phone number so I couldn't contact my ex if I needed to ask him anything pertaining to my kids - and keep in mind we grew up together so our relationship was not just love and marriage we had been friends but I knew she was insecure as my ex had been trying to get me back for over 23 years after I left him and so I was gracious abd understanding. I even later made comments to her that they were 'our kids mow' after she married the ex and that I appreciated her caring for them etc. I've been the new wife, step mom etc AMD I've had a horrible step mom and a great stepmom so I feel i know the difference . My take is the kids were there first and your kids - unless they are being assholes should never be made to feel they 'lost' anything in a divorce or remarriage. Know my ex was always a 'bitcher' about everything . No one was ever grateful enough for his effort which he doled out sparingly Lol - one of the reasons I finally left was over a milkshake I asked for when i was dying sick and too weak to get out of bed after I had gone - sick - to a race weekend in Vegas with him and never complained or lost my smile because it was important to him. Now keep in mind our daughter has always been the apple of his eye. Since getting married though step mom has systematically alienated her from her dad by facilitating dads 'bitching' . My sons who get along with her now - both moved out while attending college because they were uncomfortable there. She got my ex who had his house paid off for retirement (which I did not tale any of on purpose Cuz he worked hard for it!) to sell it and buy a new one that 'I had never lived in' because she was that insecure. I feel genuinely sorry for her . I am comfortable in my own skin and I've had the hubby's ex say and do atrocious things to try and make me jealous but I NEVER allowed it to hurt their kids. Even when the kids were brats or said crap I knew that being the bigger person was my job as a 'parent' step or otherwise . Selflessness is part of the Jon description of parenting and taking on someone else's kids is going to be harder so pretending it isn't or blaming the kids isn't healthy for anyone . I know . I've been on all sides of this. Its hard work . My step daughter is an ungrateful bossy entitled brat who regularly takes advantage and never is grateful and yet I stay out of it . Only thing I ever say is Ypu have to work it out shes family . Tell her how You feel and  and love her anyway. She will get older and it will get better when she has kids. Thats it. I dont say anything to her or push him to be upset because I want him to have that loving parental relationship as if I never came into the picture and kids n parents growing up Is hard enough by itself. Having said that my ex and his wife have recently treated my daughter differently and she doesnt deserve it. She is a new mom with two step kids of her own and a new baby and she is the sweetest kid. Very selfless and hard working and yet if my ex offers her help - money, gas, his house for a birthday party etc. The ex and step mom will bitch to my sins that she isn't grateful . Now keep in mind that they have done the same thing about my one son too (the other one is her fave Cuz he is most like my ex), but right now they are focused on my daughter. They have barely done anything for the new baby- only stopped by one time to see her and I live four hours away and drive back to town once a week just to see her and my kids. They will go out to eat and drink right by her house and never stop by yet the other grandpa comes by all the time just to hold her and tell her grandpa loves her. My ex was always our daughters biggest fan. He adored her. Often doting on her more than anyone and no one wpudl ever say a cross word about her Cuz she is a really good kid. Now comes the clincher. Our daughter looks exactly like me - a younger more beautiful me lol . Im so sad for my kid and im trying to be the respectful ex and not get involved is harder and harder. Daughter has tried to talk to her dad and he has been kind of an asshole. His wife has one daughter who is closer to her dad than her and so I know she doesnt get it. We always let our kids come over - they still have keys to my house and have NEVER been disrespectful to us. At her dads house now she feels uncomfortable to get a drink from the fridge or use the bathroom in their room if the front one is oivuoied without going and asking the wife each time . Basically she feels that its not her 'home' anymore which is something her dad and I always said was a given. I think your kids shpuld feel the same no matter what You do or who You marry . I think if so treated them like family instead of guests then she would be happier and so would they . She is just really uncomfortable in her own skin I can see it and while I feel badly for her issues its not my kids fault nor shpuld it be their problem she is after all the parent not them and just because they are grown it doesnt change that dynamic. Its their dad not just her husband . Shes been the wife for less than a year now dated for about 18 mos before that and they split up mid way thru that even but my kids have been his kids for 27-38 & 30 years. I need help . I want to go smash her face into a wall Lol because the mama bear in me is raging mad but I know its not my place to interfere in their marriage nor do I want to do that. I do want my kids to have a good relationship with their dad and I dont know what to do. My heart hurts for my daughter as I can see the pain in her eyes. 

beebeel's picture

Well, I was raised to always ask the homeowner (even if that happened to be one of my parents) before helping myself to items in the kitchen. Perhaps this person was raised the same. 

Lots of people move into a new home when they get married.

Young adults can be extremely ungrateful to their parents, especially if you've given them permission or encouragement to be so.

Inspiredmom's picture

Our kid are the most gracious humans ever . They are truly amazing people . I dont  think anyone should come into the lives of someone's kids and change everything that makes them a family . We always let the kids come over and I feel its sad to not feel comfortable in your mom and dads home . Its sad that some people live that way abd she doenst treat her own daughter that way or my son just my daughter and my other son  so obviously she has an issue . My ex isn't happy about it he told my son that he feels tied because the SM screams and gets very angry and he doesnt want to deal with it and when he tries to step in she gets worse . I realize they have bigger issues than this but this is all I am concerned with . If I was a mean person ID be glad they had problems but im not . I jjst want my kid to feel loved and not uncomfortable or feel like her dad doesnt have her back or love her anymore. Im sorry that you didnt have the relationship with your parents that my kids and my step kids enjoy but I get that some kids do take advantage. We are very fortunate that our kids are grateful kind people and that heart is something I hope they pay forward . God bless . 

Siemprematahari's picture

27-38 & 30 years

Your children are grown and I know you want to protect them but ultimately they have to create their own boundaries when it comes to their fathers wife. You can't do that for them. Whatever goes on under your XH's home is their business. I would suggest your kids maintaining a relationship with their father outside the home. You focus on having a strong relationship with your kids and remind yourself that your X's wife is not a factor or even relevant in your life in any capacity.

Inspiredmom's picture

You are right . Thanks for not being snipey Lol as others have - my intentions are good . I am just upset that the ex doesnt have bigger cajones and that my poor kids are hurt. I do have a great relationship with them and my step kids whose mom is a meth addict btw and I am gracious and kind and I treat them like my own - same gifts - same privileges - same rules . I am just sad . Its heard to gear your daughter ask You  why I think her dad doesnt stick up for her .. I dont know what to say without putting him down and thats not something that i do to my kids - nor her. I try to reason and create excuses to them but really she is insecure and cant handle her alcohol . Hard to expect my kids to be more mature than the 50 year old Lol . But ill keep on loving them all and Set an example for what a parent shpuld strive to be - step or bio. Thanks for the tough but kind love♥️

Steppedonnomore's picture

I'll try to say this as gently as I can but I think you need to back off.  It is not your place to navigate your adult child's relationship with her father.  That is between them.  I'm not sure why you would need to be in contact with your ex.  The children are all adults and quite capable of contacting him if they need to. His children will always be his children but his marriage should be his top priority. 

Inspiredmom's picture

I dont investigate Lol my kids came to me . I am careful to make sure my own step kids feel like they can have the same life before I came as now . Im talking little stuff - like getting a drink of water or using a restroom without having to go find SM to see if its ok. They have never had to do this for 26-38 years and now they are uncomfortable. I came on here for help not unhelpful and unmerited remarks . I am not wanting to manage their home i just want to find a way to help my kids not feel sad. My ex has no family . His mom Died of cancer when our first kid was 6 mos and 1 day old . His dad committed suicide last year and his brother and he dont talk. His whole life has been his kids and I am so happy he has someone even though I do believe she is a hot mess . I dont tell anyone else not my kids or anyone that is my feeling but here on this forum I am just being transparent. I know I cant fix things in their home but i thought perhaps someone on here would have some advice since im sure there are allot of insecure new SM's on here who are threatened by the ex or their kids and would probably like to not feel that way so i figured maybe someone would tell me what would work to get them to see they were doing more harm to the man they are suppose to love and his kids than was worth it. Sometimes when we open our hearts and give people the chance to take advantage of us we find that they dont and its a beautiful thing . My kids would  never take advantage of anyone . We didnt raise them that way and thats exactly why they are so bothered by being treated as if they would. Also because I wouldn't nor would my kids , I treat my step kids like gold and I do have one who is a test to my patience Lol but its such a small thing to be the bigger person and my husband so appreciates me for it . We never fight about our kids - ever . Its awesome . My daughter has step sons and his ex is a pain and I ok so proud of how she is with them . She told me that having me have step kids taught her that her heart is big enough to love everyone the same . Now how can You not make a kid like that feel loved abd comfortable??! I did get good advice from one person on here - Lol and I know I cant fix it but man I wish someone had the answer for my daughter. Just sad. My heart hurts listening to the pain and man SM cant feel secure knowing she is messing between dad and kids how is that ever gonna give her peace ? Not every step kid is a monster Lol ... Anyway take care and thanks for the feedback .  

sandye21's picture

First of all, your post was very hard to read.  It would have been easier if you had written it using paragraphs.

You wrote, "She got my ex who had his house paid off for retirement (which I did not tale any of on purpose Cuz he worked hard for it!) to sell it and buy a new one that 'I had never lived in' because she was that insecure."  Why would you care if they sold your Ex's home after they got married and bought another one?  I've got news for you:  Your children are grown.  They may inherit interest in the house if your Ex and his wife die, but until then, the home is that of your Ex and his wife.  Your Daughter is right - it isn't her home just as your Daughter's home is not the home of your Ex's wife.  Just wonder what your Daughter would think if your Ex's wife helped herself to something out of your Daughter's fridge or used your Daughter's private bathroom without asking?

You also mentioned that your Ex's  wife had blocked your phone number.  Why is it important to contact your Ex when your kids are grown and out of his home?

By the way this is written, I'm kind of wondering it you are a real SM or someone wanting to rile us all up for fun.

Inspiredmom's picture

My kids would be fine if the SM or dad or me or whatever got a drink or used the restroom . The point I was making (from my phone so Siri is playing textual tricks on me Lol) is that she comes in and acts like our kids are not family like her daughter . My kid is sad. She has tried to talk to her dad and he feels like his hands are tied Cuz now the SM will take him to court for what he worked his whole life for like she did the last guy she was married to for only three years ! Thats my point . I was laying the foundation so maybe ID get good advice based upon who she is as a person. I expect people to treat me no better than I would them . I would never treat someone kids this way . Ypu are all caught up in the ex wife thing . Which I get - im a AM TOO! However, I am not this uptight. I love the extension if my husband in his kids . ID give my last sip of water to any of them. My ex was the same way . Now he isn't allowed to be in the home he worked his whole life for . Its his fault . But my kids are suffering so u came her for advice what would my daughter need to do or say to have the relationship she had before .Thats it. I wish the woman no hardships . I just dont want my kids sad. They love their dad and they are trying but now they hate to go there abd that makes my ex feel like crap abd miss them too and he lost his entire family . Her and them are all he has left. He is a nice guy . We just couldn't live together. I dont want anyone unhappy . Anyway good luck on your life and god bless . We just aren't that formal and she isn't either with her own daughter which is my issue ..

sandye21's picture

Why would you care if they sold your Ex's home after they got married and bought another one? 

Why is it important to contact your Ex when your kids are grown and out of his home?

By the way this is written, I'm kind of wondering it you are a real SM or someone wanting to rile us all up for fun.  Or maybe not an adult.  You are still not using paragraphs.

"god bless"????

Sandybeaches's picture

Using my private bathroom does not make someone family!!!!!!!!!!!

You seem to be judging other people's feelings and relationships on what you think they should be.  Ok so to you family means everyone roams freely in the house doing whatever they like.  Well maybe that doesn't work for everyone.  I know I am a germ phob and I love my family but don't want them in my bathroom.  

These are your children you gave birth to them so of course you feel differently about them than she would.  I also want to point out that none of you, your children included from the sounds of things have given this woman a chance to set her own boundaries and get to know everyone on her terms NOT YOURS!!!! it takes more than a few years!!  

STaround's picture

Too late now, but HUGE mistake not to get as much possible when divorce.  Second wives will rarely want your kids to get anything, and if they have to drive them away for that to happen, they will.   Interesting, the NY Times Magazine has a column labeled The Ethicist.  Two of the Last Three Weeks had letters about DADs complaining their wife does not want their kids to get money, etc. 

Inspiredmom's picture

I am quite comfortable with making my own money but thanks . We both worked very hard our entire lives and I didnt want to take anything from him just because we didnt work out . He didnt do anything bad to me , we just didnt have allot in common after we grew up . We both wanted our kids to have two parents who were mature enough to have an amicable divorce and put them first . It hasn't always been perfect but we have always put the kids first until now . That doesnt mean we dont do what makes us happy we just try to make sure there is clear respectful communication to them so everyone feels valued and loved . Not drunken spews of insecurity and BS. I know she will screw our kids out of stuff so my ex and I already set up a trust for them before either of us remarried to make sure they are covered . So sad that kids are always the victims of divorce . Have a beautiful day! 

Winterglow's picture

Your kids are adults. None of this is yoiur business any more. It's perfectly normal for people in a second marriage to want a new home, one where they make their OWN memories rather than living with the spectre of the ex-spouse hanging over them in the former "family home". 

You need a hobby because you have more free time than you know what to do with..

Inspiredmom's picture

my kids and grand kids are my hobby Lol and i own a business that i work full time plus raised five kids and three step kids. We all have priorities. I birthed mine . God bless . 

Winterglow's picture

Though I understand your feelings you really do need to stop comparing everything and everyone. There will always be people out there who feel differently than you. For the record, my bedroom and therefore my bathroom are off limits to everyone, including my inlaws (and I've known them for 36 years) and my own brother, unless they ask - it's a question of respect of my space. Likewise, I don't go into their bedrooms without being asked in. Your ex's wife just has different boundaries than you.

You are a borderline helicopter parent. You still want to fix life for your adult daughter? She's in her late 20s and has children of her own, for goodness sake! She isn't a child with a problem in the playground! You drive 4 hours each way to see her EVERY week? Do you mean you spend every weekend there? Let her breathe, for heaven's sake or she'll always be running to you when she's upset. 

Winterglow's picture

Furthermore, she is not alienating your kids, she is simply treating them like adults she did not give birth to. 

Jcksjj's picture

I have a cousin whose mom is like this. She cant let go and let her kids be cousin hates it and feels trapped and like she cant move on and live her own life but her mom has no idea since she doesnt want to tell her and upset her and so my aunt thinks shes MOTY. MIL is also like this. OP, you're not helping your kids if you're over involved, you're crippling them.

tog redux's picture

Your kids are adults, let them navigate the changes in their father's home.  I see you are posting from the BM perspective, let me give you the SM one:

1. I would never live in the marital home that had housed your family for years and years. Not because I'm insecure but because i wanted to start traditions and a new home with MY new husband.

2.  The new home is now MY home as well as my husband's, so in that sense, it may not feel like home to his adult kids. I may have things set up differently or have different rules.  They might not feel as comfortable there if I'm there because I'm not really family. 

3 .I might not be okay with them having keys to MY house, they aren't my kids (I met my SS when he was 10 and he never has and never will have a key to my house).

4. I may or may not like my husband's kids. The fact that they look like you MIGHT annoy me, but only if you've been a royal bitch to me. It certainly doesn't make me jealous, as you are implying.  I will tolerate them and be civil because he loves them, but I might not love them.

5.  Butt out. Your ex has moved on.

Inspiredmom's picture

I dont like everyone but I love my husbands kids (my step kids ) and one is quite hateful Lol and his stepkid with first wife to boot! He raised her from 2 though and as bitchy as she is i shouldn't care at all but he does so I do . She does not have a key because she is hateful and so I dont trust her  . The other two kids another step daughter and his bio son do as well as my kids . But my kids are kind to her . They all have $ jobs and educations and none of them have done drugs or broken a law save a traffic ticket so no reason to think they would harm anything. If her daughter is good enough to have free rein at their home my kids should too as long as they are respectful . Its not my biz to butt in and im not . Thats why I came on here . To seek help as to what to tell my kids to say or do . Figured some of you have dealt with this and might know what they could do to fix it. I am a SM but since I cant wrap my mind around why she is like this - im not much help . I only shared the back story to help you all see why I think she is being biased and  unfair . I have better things to do this has been exhausting replying but I dont do bullies nor do I back down . Ever . Thats how I've built the life I have without taking anything from anyone . If I said my name you would all know who I was . Ill leave it at that. I do appreciate your candor and im sorry that your SK's are not like mine. Well two of mine Lol .. But I would Not tolerate my own kids ever being disrespectful to their SM and they have zero idea how I feel about her Cuz I dont want to bias them and create drama for them or their dad. Im not a typical woman Lol or ex . Like I said we grew up together we should probably have never married but his mom was dying and wanted a grand kid and I loved her and three kids and 32 years later I remember that I promised her on her death bed that I wouldn't let anyone hurt her son but I had to leave him so I just want them to all get along and youre right - I cant do anything but again - I had hoped for someone who had done this right to maybe tell me how . Thats all. Anyway take care and god bless you . I wish you love and peace with your family . 

tog redux's picture

Look - the bottom line is that even if you and ex pinky swore never to let your kids not feel at home at your houses, his life has changed, and he has moved on to a situation that is different that what you are comfortable with. Does it occur to you that your obvious "famous person" disapproval is making it even HARDER for this woman to step in and make his home hers as well? You are, I'm sure, transmitting your disapproval clearly and obviously.  Try some compassion for her, especially if you are truly a famous name, maybe that makes it harder for her.

I truly can't imagine marrying a guy with adult kids, handing them all keys, and saying, "mi casa es su casa" and letting them come and go as they please.  You've done that, GREAT, but she maybe she doesn't want her stepkid showing up when she's wandering the house in her lingerie, or hanging out when she isn't home and leaving the place a mess (yes, I know, your wonderful kids wouldn't do that).

The bottom line is that you cannot control what goes on in your ex's home. You are in danger of alienating the kids from their father YOURSELF, with all of your disapproval and clucking about their poor feelings and his promises to you many years ago.  Say to them, "Sounds tough, but you are smart people, I'm sure you can work this out," and stop worrying about it.  Let them work this out with their dad without you hovering over trying to make him feel bad.

tog redux's picture

Oh, and I do like his kid okay. But he’s not my kid and he doesn’t need a key to my house. 

You are quite smug and superior for someone accusing others of being narcissistic. 

Inspiredmom's picture

This has been very entertaining peeps and I am grateful for the couple of caring people who actually tried to help. I was unaware it was a bashing forum Lol and assumed it was a safe and supportive place to seek help . I wish you all love and peace and thank you for giving me some good laughs and some interesting tid bits for my talk show ! Stay courageous but learn to open up your hearts and minds ! Not everything or everyone is what it seems <3 God Bless !

beebeel's picture

LOL I hope your writers spin this so it's actually entertaining instead of effing sad. You completely failed your kids if they still need "help" managing their own relationships in their 30s.

Sandybeaches's picture

How did I miss that she is on a show and famous?  Maybe it was buried in the huge post that she started with .... 

We did help she didn't like the answers!!!  It is not her place and that big story about the wedding??? Why are people saying such a nasty thing to the step mom at the wedding??  I think the husband may have left her or maybe she is one of those women that thinks a guy always belongs to her even after she leaves!!! I seriously don't know any mature adults that would interfere as she has!!!

I make it a point to NEVER interfere with my ex-husbands marriage, household and life!!!  We get along great and I do with his wife!!  But that is all her family now not  mine!  My son doesn't just love her but that is who his father chose and I try to enhance that relationship and get him to give her a chance!!

I hope were on TV!!!  I want Goldie Hawn (first wives club) to play me!!!

Missingme's picture

You said: I hope were on TV!!!  I want Goldie Hawn (first wives club) to play me!!!

Me: Great one! :-D  Can't make this stuff up!  I'm wondering which Whoreywood nut Inspiredmom might be!? LOL

Thisisnotus's picture

Why did your bring up your failed marriage to your ex  in a speech at your daughters wedding? I’m sort of stuck on that.

tog redux's picture

Yes, I hear a lot of resentment on OP's part about her ex who was supposedly "in love with her for 23 years" moving on, and letting go of ownership and control over him.  Don't think she sees that herself, though.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Yet another post that is a colossal waste of time for anyone who responds in depth and with meaningful insight.    It's not worth it.  

Plain and simple, this site is for STEPPARENTS to vent.  Not for bio parents to vent about stepparents and then get angry when we don't agree with them.  I am sure there are forums out there for them but this ain't it.  

Can't tell you how many times over the years I've seen this.  My only advice is to not respond at all. 

It's like going on a chocoholic website and asking people to agree that chocolate is horrible and isn't vanilla the best ever?  

Oh, and BTW, in case you didn't know - I'm a famous screenwriter.  I'm going to use this as a basis for a new movie script. Be sure to keep an eye out for it as I'm sure Hollywood will be calling as soon as I type "The End."    In fact, maybe OP can host me on her talk show so we can discuss further.  LOL.  




sandye21's picture

I agree,  A waste of time.  Can you imagine reading this 'radio dialog' without paragraphs?  Another reason why it's not worth it.

2Tired4Drama's picture

Anyone who knows anything about radio/talk shows/production KNOWS about basic formatting for ease of reading.  Obviously, OP was not present when this was taught!  

KC is not the stepmother's picture

It sounds like you're in California in which case the house that your ex owns free and clear is not community property but one purchased during their marriage likely could be.  If marital settlements are a career for her then you have the reason.

My own SD32 is a dumpster fire so I won't talk about her.

My parents were divorced 36 years ago and I feel free to make myself at home at my mom and stepdad's home. But I really never did at my dad's, and he died 6 years ago.  

It sounds like your daughter's feelings are hurt by her dad not visiting or going out of his way to spend any time with her new baby. Maybe he will when the baby is older, and maybe he'll come to visit without his new wife.

There's no excuse for physical violence and she's lucky you weren't me because I would have had her arrested at the wedding.  I wouldn't care what her excuse was.


SonOfABrisketMaker's picture

some of your original post and most of the replies/answers. 

It seems like you’re a very insecure person. It feels like you spend a lot of time puffing yourself up. You threw out that you own a business, what college you went to, that you are famous enough to be a recognizable name. I think your desire to control what happens in your ex’s house and micromanage your children’s relationships stems from this uneasy perspective of yourself. I get it, I’m the same way. I’ve just learned to stay in my lane and channel my control freak tendencies into having a super organized house and being very effective at my job.

Reading all your dramatic martyring is just exhausting. You’re buying sod for your daughters yard because your exs wife doesn’t want strangers tramping through her house, your son was dying! in an ambulance, you got the new wife a Starbucks at the hospital, you LOVE your stepkids why can’t she? You didn’t take more of the marital assets because you wanted to be “fair”. Ugh, stop it, drama queen.

My suggestion is to step back, focus on your own husband and home and maybe see a therapist to help get some perspective. Otherwise, it was astronomically unfair of you and your ex to involve your kids, new spouses and step kids in whatever twisted foreplay you have going on with the divorce and continued enmeshnent. 

marblefawn's picture

Since getting married though step mom has systematically alienated her from her dad by facilitating dads 'bitching' .

See, um, no, she didn't. Stepmom didn't do a damn thing. What the fuck is "facilitating dads bitching" anyway and how is a worse crime than DAD BITCHING? If there's a crime being committed here, how is it not DAD bitching about his first family to a member OF his first family??? Like, suddenly there's someone in dad's life so whatever bad shit dad does MUST be caused by the new woman -- THAT is what you're saying? That is crazy illogical thinking.

She got my ex who had his house paid off for retirement (which I did not tale any of on purpose Cuz he worked hard for it!) to sell it and buy a new one that 'I had never lived in' because she was that insecure.

Question: When you bought your house did you change anything in it? Paint? Carpet? Anything? Of course you did. And when you repainted, were you insecure the color had been chosen by the previous owners or did you just think the wall color sucked?

How can you possibly know that the SOLE reason for selling that house was because of...wait for it...wait for it...(you already know the next word because clearly everything is about) YOU. ?

Having said that my ex and his wife have recently treated my daughter differently and she doesnt deserve it. She is a new mom with two step kids of her own and a new baby and she is the sweetest kid.

She's old enough to procreate so she's old enough to fight her own battles. You owe it to her to stay out of it now that she is an adult -- an adult who developed her OWN relationship with her dad and the woman in his life. You were not there for it. You don't know their dynamic other than what your daughter tells you...and something tells me you hear what you want no matter what anyone is saying, so who knows if your daughter even feels the way you claim she does. 

They have barely done anything for the new baby- only stopped by one time to see her and I live four hours away and drive back to town once a week just to see her and my kids.

What do you want them to do for a baby THAT IS NOT THEIRS?

If you don't want to drive four hours to see the kid, don't, but you're not a martyr for doing it. Others might think it's rude to crowd a new mother and child, who also has two other kids to care for. Maybe they are staying away because they don't want to over do it on the visits.

Maybe they realize you're always there and they don't want there to be a scene or for the new mother to feel pulled between two divorced parents, one of whom is driving four hours to be here, when the new mother has her hands full. Like, what is she going to do -- ask you to leave because Dad and New Wife are are coming over when you just drove four hours to be there...again? YOU might actually be the reason dad is staying away!!!  

Regardless, who are you to tell them how many times they have to see their grandkid? If they were visitng her all the time, you'd be bitching that they're always there monopolizing time with baby.

We always let our kids come over

Has someone told your kids not to visit their dad's house? When did that happen? That would be really bad. But it didn't happen, did it?

You keep writing a narrative that, by your own admission, is not true. It's OK if your daughter feels a little uncomfortable in the house. The situation is a little uncomfortable by its nature and it cannot be helped, so something always changes when a divorce happens -- oh, yea, that's another thing. You're blaming Someone Else in your ex's life for all this. What changed in your daughter's life was NOT his remarriage. What changed was your split from her dad. That's where your daughter's life began to fall apart and get uncomfortable -- not because he remarried Someone Else. Do you see that you are not owning responsiblity for the very thing that puts dad in a position to be married to Someone Else, who you are now blaming for all this discomfort your kid has? How comfortable do you think your divorce made her? You didn't care about her discomfort then, but now you want to forget all that and blame Someone Else because your kid feels like she has to ask to use the private bathroom because she can't hold it long enough for the other public private bathroom to be unoccupied? SHE HAS A BLADDER LIKE A PEANUT AND NEEDS HELP. You get that? Stop crippling her by making her into such a little baby -- she is a grown ass woman. She can HOLD IT for god's sake or stop drinking liquids for 45 minutes before she goes over there, but she does not need you fighting that battle either way. Stop making her into a damn victim! Give her the gift of her SM's friendship because you have the power to do it. Don't hold out on her because you have issues with her father. You're the one driving this discomfort.

Everyone must respect the new dynamic when someone we know marries. I can't take my dog to my brother's house anymore because my sister in law is allergic. Should I show up with my dog anyway because NOTHING SHOULD CHANGE WHEN PEOPLE GET MARRIED????? That thinking is child-like.

She is just really uncomfortable in her own skin I can see it

 You want so bad for this to be true...I can see it, ha, ha! But it's not true. She's setting parameters for your kid in her house. She is not having any trouble adjusting to life with your crew because she's letting them know where she stands. You don't agree with where she stands, so you're unhappy about it. But you should be thankful this SM is helping your girl see how they can keep things civil and cordial: these are the lines, please do not cross them. Nice, clear and simple.

I think you are the one having the trouble with SM's boundary setting. After all, these are not boundaries put on you -- so they aren't directly affecting you. Still, you're unhappy. It is not your daughter's home anymore. Maybe another SM could come in and tell SD, do what you want! This SM didn't -- instead, this SM is trying to manage her own relationship with your daughter using clear boundaries so neither of them is steam-rolling the other.

STAY OUT OF IT. You have no business there nor in most of the places you started to wander in your post.

You are out of line, as outlined above. On top of that, I think you're having trouble dealing with the new step dynamic resulting from your divorce. You are not good for your daughter, who could use someone explaining boundaries to her instead of reinforcing a "NO BOUNDARIES FOR MY PRECIOUS KIDS" attitude.

Your ex's new wife is modeling for your daughter how to set boundaries and keep relationships civil. I think that's going to come in handy for your daughter.

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

Your daughter is a grown up. She has to learn the skills and capabilities to sort out her own relationships. It is not your business to interfere. Also, believing everything your adult children tell you as one hundred percent gospel truth isn’t always a wise move either. Some of the time the truth lays somewhere in between. It may be that your ex see your daughter as a grown up now and not as a child as doesn’t live in her pocket because he thinks it’s sensible that she spends time with her own family. Maybe your daughters husband doesn’t want visitors 24 with a new baby there a lot of people don’t it can get very stressful. 

fourbrats's picture

board for your kids but they are adults and you shouldn't be navigating their relationship with their dad and stepmom for them or even trying to. I do understand. My own adult kids have a rough relationship with their dad and stepmom. I stopped even commenting when the kids were teens because it did no good. None. Anything I said was ignored anyway. So I sat the kids down and told them that unless there was a behavior that was dangerous to them I wasn't saying anything. SM and dad both said terrible things. I mean downright awful. SM tried to ruin two graduations, a wedding and attempted to spread lies to my sons in-laws (she is a special piece of work). I said nothing. I simply handled my end of things and made those events about my kids. I ignored her comments. I blocked emails and phone numbers. 

My kids can always come to me and I will listen and give advice but I will not contact their dad or SM. Oldest DD is getting married in a few weeks and I haven't contacted them. I know they aren't coming (two for two, awesome) and that they will have things to say and in my head I will have choice words for them. But that is it. 

DHsfamilyfromhell's picture

You are like a cross between my mother in law, sister in law and my husband all rolled into one.*lol*

Thumper's picture

Why does the GOOD STUFF seem to always happen when I am gone.....

Wish I would have been around for this one.


marblefawn's picture

Yes, we missed you! There was plenty for all of us to chew on --  and I even took much more than my fair share!

Missingme's picture

So Inspiredmom, I sense that your perceived awesome relationship with your ex is about power.  You stated that he wanted you back for years and that you are great friends (I didn't need to go further into your post.).  Know that his wife understands your power trip and, sure, it makes her angry.  You go to lengths to describe yourself in an amazingly positive light.  Hades, I'm now wishing I was married to you!  ;-)  That all said, I don't believe you to be the angel you believe you are and are trying to convince the readers of.  For the mental health sake of your ADULT children, resign yourself to your place (the ex wife, by choice purportedly) and allow your children to develop a relationship with your "friend's" wife, their stepmom.  You won't.  Bye.  

But, wait, I did go read the rest of your initial post and almost barfed!  You daughter is a "younger, more beautiful version" of you and so that means that your ex Gets to think of you all the time when he sees his daughter and the stepmom gets to be aggitated all the time because she sees you and knows this?  You can't make this narcissistic stuff up!  :-D  In all seriousness, you need to see a quality therapist to get some insight into who you really are.  

sandye21's picture

"You daughter is a "younger, more beautiful version" of you and so that means that your ex Gets to think of you all the time when he sees his daughter and the stepmom gets to be aggitated all the time because she sees you and knows this?  You can't make this narcissistic stuff up!  :-D  In all seriousness, you need to see a quality therapist to get some insight into who you really are."

And possible cataract surgery.

Rags's picture

I'm on the fence on this one.  On the one hand, SParents should not be tolerated to destroy a relationship between a child and that  child's parent any more than a child should not be tolerated to destroy a relationship between their parent and the parent's SO.  And on the other hand, the Other Parent to that child has protective instincts towards that kid.

That the OP's children are adults makes this a more complex situation.  

We absolutely protected our son (My SS nearly 27 adopted at his request  when he was 22) from the toxic manipulations of his SpermClan.  On more than one occasion that meant making it clear to the SpermIdiot that his F-buddy of the month and her children would not be tolerated to adversely impact or endanger SS when SS was in SpermLand on visitation.  They tested us on this periodically and they suffered for it. SS, regardless of his age at the time, knew that his mom and I would protect him and have his back if the SpermClan stepped out of line.   He also knew that if he was the source of the drama with the SpermClan that he would be held accountable by us and would experience age appropriate consequences for those choices.

My SS looks just like his BioDad.  That does not bother me one bit and never has..  I am his REAL dad. He chose me just as I chose he and his mom nearly 25 years ago.

All that said, once he reached adulthood his relationship with his BioDad and the extended SpermClan is his to manage, experience and either preserve... or not.  His mom and I are an ear for him to access, when asked we give him advice on how to deal with them, and if it were to get really nasty, we would be at his side with our fully committed resources to do what is necessary to eliminate any threat they may be to the kid.

If that situation were ever to arise, the one thing that would not be a consideration for us would be the preservation of his relationship with his SpermClan.  They don't matter. For us... he matters.   His relationship with them is his to address.