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Extra teenager in the house now!!

canadiangirl3's picture

Hi so my 17/yr old unemployed sleep til noon male ss has been having is girlfriend sleepiver with him in the basement!! He said that she was sleeping on the futon, i go diwn this morning nope shes not there shes in his room aaaaand he hasnt even toldus she has been here, i just see her shoes and see her during the day at first i thought she was just coming over then i realized shes sleeping here!!

Im so tired of his bs and my boyfriends lack of authority! My boyfriend cracks dowm hard pn my kids for not picking up their toys yet his 17yr old unemployed son can blatantly lie and do nothing all day.

I have minor children 14,10&7 anyone please have advice im thinking our parenting styles are just too different!

canadiangirl3's picture

Sorry i should be clear he told my boyfriend who told me that she was here for a night and slept on the futon.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Right? If this continues, there may soon be an extra teenager AND infant in the house!

Orange County Ca's picture

I too am more concerned about your children than I am about a boy whose father allows such goings on. He and yes you are letting the boy set one hell of an example for future behavior if your reaction is not swift. At this hour I'm assuming everyone is awake so its time YOU to tell the boy and girl that this is not happening again.

Then if it does do take a pail of water to them. Literally. And don't worry about the mattress it will dry.

Part of your question was this autocratic boyfriend of yours who allows this double standard. Lets not think for one second that your kids don't know what's going on in the basement and that they're held to a separate standard. One solution other than getting rid of this petty tyrant is to tell him on no uncertain terms that he is not to discipline your children. Unless they are starting a fire on the living room floor he is not to correct their behavior in any way. Punishment for disobeying this directive is the end of the relationship.

He will throw this back at you regarding his sons friend who is invading the home without permission of the owner. You can agree that no visitors of any of the children will be allowed to stay overnight without agreement between the two adults.

Disneyfan's picture

If it's your house, they have to play by your rules. If it's your boyfriend's house, then voice your concerns. If he doesn't act, take your kids and move out. Continue to date, but refuse to livetogether until his son moves out and/or you can agree on paparenting issues.

canadiangirl3's picture

Thanks i cant believe the head in sand and lack of discipline my boyfriend has to his 17 y/o son.

Fuming!!! Mad i am