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Disney Dad

eminem's picture

Hello all hope everyone is good and happy new year to you all .As the above says disney dad kids have now turned on him and have not spoke to him in months usual scenario drama drama drama call after call he said she said they said bla bla bla no interest in him only telling their pathetic stories ..long story short 2 Adult SD age 28 and 31 never had any interest in me didnt want me near them started off with their BM saying it only upsets them when im around never let go on holidays with us ..we are married 15 years together 22 have a teenage son together and i also have a daughter 26 who my husband adopted many years ago who is off living the dream .when Sk mom and dad seperated the Sd took over from the mother always commenting on something ..they divorced years ago sold the family home and we bought our own home together his ex bought nothing and all the money went slowly but surely Sk wanted to pick their rooms in our new home but thry never came to see us always an excuse on a fri they were not well they had to go out with their auntie their granny bla bla bla dad would call fri night to see if they were ok because of them been sick and they be out playing .My husband not a well man so can spend time in and out of hospital and even than they be calling going on about some drama or other with their mother of her boyfriend or YSD rinfing giving out about the Osd always fights always rows ..Hubby alwways has to go see them in their homes as the calls would be you dont care about us so he would cave and than came the grandkids theres 5 now and the tactics changed to you dont care about your grandkids its exhausting so again he would cave and feel guilty .every xmas and birthday he would have to go up to them to get a presant because if he didnt than he didnt get one actually ESD hasent bought him a xmas presant in about 5 years ,theyve never bought me one or put my name on a xmas card hubby used to go up and collect his xmas presants every year and come home either dump the card on way or dump it in the bin here ,believe me you get used to it and u learn to not care anymore 1st grandchild was born nearly 9 years ago and was baptised the summer that year i didnt go because they have always made me feel like an outsider and besides my dad was very ill (dying )the night of the baptism the abusive text messages started i let it go because i knew there was drink involved but next day it started again so i called her and she said i ruined her sons christening because her dad wouldnt get in a picture with her mum *diablo* how i ruined their relationship with their dad bla bla bla again told her i didnt need this hasstle as my dad was very ill her reply i dont give a f..k so ive been disabling away from them for years than up util 2 years ago my husband was in hosp again and of course they called with the usual drama ,i had to go bring a bag up to him so YSD had called and loves the drama of the hosp so went in with her boyfriend and my hubby said i was on the way so best if they leave as only 2 to a bed but she didnt leave she waited till i got there and played smiley smiley in front of her boyfriend than left called the Esd and she calls hubby abusing him .this has been our life for 22 years dont no how im still here to be honest there was times when i just wanted to walk away .hubby goes to hosp again 6 months later but doesent want them knowing cant be dealing with them and their drama but unfortnatuly someone stops YSD and asks how her dad is well you can imigine all hell breaks loose again and again the abuse starts so i block them on my phone and social media only they start using their boyfriends phone..hope your not to bored yet ,roll on covid march 19 and hubby cant go see them with restrictions but unfortunatly he has a death in his family so his cousin calls and asks if he wants to go see the deceased family with him when its quiet so he goes up (theyve already been)loved the drama and the funerals) 2 days later its fathers day ESD calls to wish him a happy fathers and to ask do you not want to know us anymore calls ends than she calls back hurling abuse saying you were able to go see deceased family but not us screaming down the phone,the YSD doesent call at all 2 days later funeral is on we go to the cemetary stay well back in they both arrive all dressed in black hubby doesent speak to them because of the call 2 days previous ,than 1 meets my husband niece says they were very upset at the funeral because there dad ignored them all goes quiet for another 3 months and than they take to social medial calling their mom dad and me names ,my daughter defends me on the post thy delete her post delete her than continue to send facebook messenger abuse to her when she doesent respond they block her ..nothing since from them i never want to see them again hubby sent up xmas cards with money to each grandchild xmas eve and not even a thanks so noting will be going up again 

JRI's picture

You have some of the worst drama queens!  You are trying to disengage from them, thats about all you can do.  Your poor DH, he seems to be trying to maintain a relationship but every time there's contact, they ramp it up.  I know you aren't asking for advice but I feel for you, these drama queens have earned an Oscar.

eminem's picture

JRI dead right drama queens at the highest and never happy till they are causing trouble if not with me than other family members who have nothing to do with them either ..I told hubby to send up the xmas gifts because i woudnt give them the satisfaction of saying he wouldnt even give his own grandkids a xmas presant but there you go not even a thanks could have grandkids to call him and say thanks for their presants but you know what their kids will be the same ..hubby says they have gone 1 step to far this time and even with all the crap theyve put us through he still never pulled them up on it because he was afraid of them and not been allowed see grandkids but you know what theyve only made a show of themselves and as they said in the facebook post they are orphans so he said they can stay orphans now they made their bed they can go lie in it 

JRI's picture

My SD59 is a drama queen, too.  She's not happy unless she is stirring something up.  I've thought about it a lot and think life must seem boring to her unless there's turmoil.  Sad.

As far as receiving thanks, you are preaching to the choir.  We give cash gifts to 5 kids and 9 gkids.  We might have received 3 expressions of thanks, all told.  I don't care, I'm secretly not doing it for them, I'm doing it in remembrance of my beloved grandmother who always recognized birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

StepUltimate's picture

I'm secretly not doing it for them, I'm doing it in remembrance of my beloved grandmother who always recognized birthdays, anniversaries, etc.

That is a beautiful way to honor your grandmother! I love it.

eminem's picture

JRI Thats because you are a better person than she is and your right they are not happy unless their is turmoil sad really isent it but thats why we still have a good marriage and relationship because we are not like them had we been like them than we be doing what they have been doing for years but because we are happy than we dont behave like that .my husband is a good man but he enabled it and it backfired on him trying to keep the peace trying to maintain a relationship with them on their terms and their terms only but you what since putting up the post on facebook it was like a lightbulb came on seeing how upset our teenage son was over it all he finally was able to see the woods from the trees not nice for him to see and hear but there it was splashed all over social media for everyone to see .i thought long and hard about walking away this time as i couldnt sleep for weeks and my hubby said he wouldnt blame me if i did i kept thinking what have i done wrong on them my hubby said you did nothing its all down to them ..million and 1 facebook friends but their so called friends and family walk past them in the street than they call hubby complaining because their cousins dont even say hello to them and they wonder why .i didnt know which way to turn to be honest i should be well used to it and i was but to see it all over social media like that saying they cant have a relationship with their dad because of the insecure PIG who is jealous of his daughters and grandkids ..

Rags's picture

If you want people to read your posts and offer suggestions then do your readers a favor and recall elementary school grammar class.  

I tried.  However, I could only get through about 25% of your original post before my head exploded.


eminem's picture

Rags im sorry you can't understand my post but i have never gone to elementary school as where i come from we don't have elementary school. However when your typing you don't always see the mistakes you make as your writing apologies again .

Rags's picture

No worries.  Just please every several lines hit enter so you break up the blocks of text.

I want to read your story.

eminem's picture

Rags cant seem to edit the story to put paragraphs in .i will remeber next time hope you got to figure it out somehow .

I had been trying to post for weeks but kept saying there was a problem so i didnt think it would allow me post yeaterday. 


Rags's picture

You and DH need to end all interface with them.  Full cut off.

Block them on all Social media, on your email, and on your cell phones.

Research the Grey Rock method.  Use it on them.

I am so sorry you and DH have had to deal with his failed family spawn and their crap.

eminem's picture

Thanks Rags i haven't seen them in years coukdnt be dealing with all the drama and their neediness. 

Blocked on my phone and their boyfriends to and social media last post back in sep was sent to me through a screenshot. 

No word from them since even though hubby sent up presants for grandkids and not even a thanks so nothing be going up for birthdays now.

Thanks for advice 

eminem's picture

Rags im learning *clapping*we getting there hasent been easy i thought it was going to distroy me this time ,to many sleepless nights but we are learning to go forward and move on .

Hubby gets down some days but hes determined he wont give in to them this time ..Thanks



eminem's picture


So 362 days to the day since the last years call on fathers day a call comes from ESD on a withheld number to her dad saying grandson is missing him keeps asking where you are and when your coming up to see him .

He replies well thats not my problem  ive had it with you and your sis yous have treated me like shit for years and nomore will i let you and you can tell that sis of yours i called her 3 times last fathers day and she ignored me and than she was telling people she was so upset at the funeral last year because her dad had ignored her well remind her why i ignored her and put the phone down .

Winterglow's picture

I hope he has the strength to continue like this. Nobody needs the kind of punishment his daughters are  doling out.

Here's a suggestion - as you have both blocked his daughters on all platforms (you have, haven't you?), it might be worthwhile taking a trip to your local police station to find out what constitutes harassment where you life and whether the constant calling from unknown numbers and screaming at you might suffice... and take it from there. Otherwise, you could also set your phones to ignore any calls from unknown numbers.

I wish you both peace and tranquility.

eminem's picture

Hi winterglow my Dh doesnt have them blocked as he still thinks they are going to apologise (not going to happen) and asnhes not a well man hes atrends hospital appointment a lot and they call on withheld numbers so has to answer the calls ..i guess she put the call on withheld number afraid he wouldn't answer id he say her name come up ..

I have them blocked on but they than started using thier boyfriends phone so had to block them to .they have now started calling from grandchild phone ..

Yes i have said anymore and im going to the police about it as it  never ends .


eminem's picture

Thanks Rags  imagjne using her child to try get to him .although it has worked before and he be feeling guilty and he would go up to  see them all.

We have been enjoying of no drama for 1 year i knew something wpuld come just didn't know when.