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Adult stepdaughter

Tammyjhatton's picture

I've been with boyfriend over 4 years. We both have adult children. We both were married to acholics and his wife is also bipolar . My children turned out great. His son turned out good, but his daughter. Ugh! She is 24. Lived with us twice. First time for 4 long months. She was the cause of our very first argument. She would sleep until 1:00pm. Go out a lot parting. Wouldn't look for a job. Lazy. Lied about getting a job. She finally moved out. Living with her mom or ex boyfriend and his mom. As of now that is her living status. No job. We pay her iphone bill. My boyfriend tries to make plans with her and she will back out at the very last minute. This happens Everytime. He knows she's a liar. But if I say anything he sometimes gets defensive.

shes driving me crazy in my retirement's picture

Agree with above poster. If the topic ever comes up about her coming back to live with you say "no" and mean it. In fact, you might say something like how you enjoy it being just the 2 of you and with daughter it seems "uncomfortable".