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SS and education

random169's picture

My SS11 lives with me 24/7 365. He has some learning disabilities and is in a special program. I wouldn't let them railroad my wife and tell her what he needed to do and I am aware of alot of educational rights. They got mad. I have been at all his IEP's I'm on his emergency paperwork ect.....Bio dad not in the picture just her and me. (thats a whole other blog) My wife is starting a new job and asked that the school call me with a problem he was having. They refused because I'm not his legal guardian even with wifes request. How they gonna block me out then try to use my income to determine his college financial aid? (SMH)

Rags's picture

Any government agency will use the system and their perceived power as they see fit until the get their asses handed to them.

e.g. Judges will tell a Sparent to their face that the Sparent is not a party to the case then in the very next breath ask for the Sparents income information. If I am not a party to the case, my money is not either. That battle just about landed me in jail for contempt. Twice.

Our first judge threatened me with contempt for refusing to provide my income information. Then when I rolled out the complete lack of logic in that statement told me not to say another word or he would hold me in contempt. So I sat on the stand with a shit eating grin on my face and did not say another word as he continued to berate me to provide my income information. Ultimately I provided the information. But, a full page add in the Judge's local news paper complete with a picture of the judge, his idiot rulings, a picture of the Sperm Idiot and his arrest and criminal record and a redacted pic of a tow headed little 2yo with a banner reading "This Judge is regularly forcing this Child into the presence of this Criminal. Do you want this judge retaining power over your families? Vote for anyone but this judge on XX/XX/XXXX." certainly got his attention.

His family memberworked at the paper and informed him that my add was due to run in the next Sunday edition.

That idiot judge gained clarity very quickly when in a following conversation I informed him that the add would run in his jurisdiction every Sunday until his Judicial career was over if he did not pull his head out of his ass. He recused himself shortly thereafter. I reported facts that were easily verifiable in public record. His Honor did not appreciate that I bared his ass to his friends and neighbors with an election approaching. . He did not like the prospect of facts about his rulings being published.
I pulled the add before it ran on the advice of our attorney
The second time I was threatened with contempt did not end so dramatically. The Judge just told me that she was well aware of my ability to take out full page adds in the paper in response to rulings I did not agree with. She told me that she understood my frustration of having no legal standing regarding the courts and my SS and that she agreed with me that my income should not be either considered or provided but if I failed to provide it she would hold me in contempt and would not discuss it further. She then informed us that our request to have the Sperm Grandparents income added to the Sperm Idiots for CS calculation purposes would be considered and that though my income information was required it could not be used to influence CS levels other than for consideration to provide the Sperm Idiot with an income credit if my income was significant enough to "uncharacteristically increase the child's standard of living". She was far from an idiot and she and I worked well together from that point on though I had no official standing in her court room either.

We have no rights officially though we are held fully accountable for protecting the well being of our Skids when they are with us. However, in reality we have every right we chose to take until someone in authority tells us otherwise. No school district flunky has that authority even if they mistakenly believe that they do. In the 16+ years that my SS was a minor and our family lived under his Custody/Visitation/Support CO I went to every official meeting related to my kid and school with my wife and when should not go, I went alone.

When the idiot school administrators tried to play the "you are only his step dad" crap I dropped a notarized copy of my parental POA, guardianship papers, and our attorneys business card in front of them and told them that it was now their turn to play a hand and to think very carefully before they made their next move.

Other than the two incidents of threatened contempt I was never denied any right that I granted myself to be my Skid's father. Officially recognized or not.

Your income is likely not usable to determine CS. Mine was not. However, it was used to determine if the Sperm Idiot would receive an income credit to lower his CS levels. He was always granted that credit because "Step Dad's income is significant and provides an artificial standard of living for the child. (Bio Dad) should not be penalized due to Step Dad's high income and unreasonably forced to contribute to the child’s artificial standard of living." The max credit allowable in Sperm Land was $1000/mo. It has always chapped my ass that that POS has every gotten a single penny of benefit from my income. However, the maximum possible reduction of CS due to a Sparent income credit is $50/mo. So we went through all of the contempt bullshit so that Dick Head could have his CS reduced by a paltry $50/mo. The funny part is that every time a CS mod review was requested his CS just kept going up and up and up even though he did get a $50/mo reduction in possible CS levels due to my success.

Random169, You can't fix the morons who administrate the system whether it be the family law courts or the school systems. But you can have a hell of a lot of fun barring their idiot asses.

Have fun!!!!