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Insurance information

jbkte82890712's picture

I would like to know what rights does my stepson's mother have to obtaining my insurance information. From my knowledge due to my schooling and what we have been told by several people I need a couple more views.

I recently started a new job and have the chance to have wonderful insurance on all four of us. I add my stepson to my insurance per mine and my DH conversation about it . (We did not include his BM because she makes everything out to be about herself and how I'm really nothing to my stepson.) I was told it would take a couple of weeks before it starts when I started my job. The time is approaching for my plan to begin. She did not like it when my DH told her his insurance information would be changing due to the fact I will have insurance on him, it will go from Medicaid to a private insurance company. She informed my husband that she does have the right to take him to any doctor of her choosing even though the court order of our shared parenting degree clearly states that father has the final say on any medical decision. The only right she has to seek emergency medical attention and has 2nd opinion. (When we were in court at the time he had medicaid, still has medicaid until my insurance takes in.) We have my stepson 60/40 deemed by the court. We recieve no child support, and no one was deemed by the court to be the insurance carrier because my DH had none and she had medicaid on SS.

Is it against HIPPA for her to obtain my insurance information even though my SS would be covered? I she does things out of spite and refuses to notify my husband until he finds out later from others or afters she goes and does. Even though she has access to his medical records because she is BM.

tryingmom's picture

Give her a card for your SS's insurance coverage. Call the insurance company and lock down the account. She can look up participating doctors but thats about it. She cannot access your information.

jbkte82890712's picture

I was informed that insurance information is HIPPA, if she does obtain that insurance information I can sue her and the doctor's office that released it and if I do not give it to her it's my choice. She can only go where my husband and I take our biological daughter and SS, or pay out of pocket. The doctor's office she has taken him to does not accept step-parents as guarantors.

silver ring's picture

I have my stepson on my insurance too. 2 months ago he needed to go to the doctor and his biological mother called and asked for the insurance information. We gave it to her.She took him to a doctor outside the network and did not mention that the child has health insurance. She paid out of her pocket. She was too proud and stupid to use the insurance that he has because it was under my name. Pathetic!
Some women are not meant to be parents.
There is a huge difference between giving birth to a child and raising them.

step off already's picture

SS is on my insurance. I was very opposed to giving the info to BM, but the court said we needed to provide her with the info. I called my HMO and she can't get any info by calling in without having my access info. Also, since he's a teen, she can't access much of his info anyway - either can I.

My biggest concern is that she will use the card to take one of her vagrant friend's kids in for some treatment - and I'll get stuck with the bill.